Sleep in your jeans because you think it feels comfortable in the morning.

Sometime if I need to go I would go outside so I don't splash the seat

listen to madonnas new album

I hold my breath in elevators

When I remember something embarrassing I did or even something someone else did, I will yell random words. It started just with gasping but now I have like 5 words that I'll say randomly. It's evolved to include stressful or disturbing thoughts and not just embarrassing things. I have a pretty stressful life so I'm basically continuously making random sounds then looking around terrified that someone's heard.

I use two pillows as I sleep, but I don't put them under my head, I put my head in between them.

I sit sideways on the toilet because my bony butt fits better that way.

always hurt urself and blame the object for hurting u

I think about doing evil things to people then i tell the person about it nikki

When I haven't looked in a mirror for a while, I worry that I look awful, and when I get to a mirror, I'm like "Oh yeah, that's what I look like".

Make sure I put the deodorant top back on the correct way -- you know, so the sticker is to the front.

I say random stuff when I wake up. Just to make sure my voice is still working.

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

Lying in be and pretending you are in a tv show, the characters best friend, playing it out in your mind. Or you dream while awake, and you control it, and you fly to Hollywood and become your faborite celebrities best friend.

Cuss my ass off in the morning - jd

Sometimes I think that I'm a character in The Sims 3 and someone is controlling everything I do.

think up the funniest jokes right before i go to sleep and cant think of them the next day

Suddenly thinking that this is all a dream, and having to pinch yourself to make sure it isn´t. Or is it?

In case you have the ears pierced, take out the piece, and smell it, even if it smells so bad, you like the how it smells... lol

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

sitting in your room at night and making imagineary monters or random figures out of things in your room.

Touch something dirty with one hand then wash it but then wash the other hand cause it feels weird when it's not wet like your other hand.

Sometimes I won't do something just to see how long it takes before someone else does it (dishes, throw something away, fill the ice cube tray, etc.).

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.