If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

Remove all the stupid gobbldegook words that the captchas from this site add to my predictive text.

While waiting for my food ot cook, I'll wash the dirty dishes that I used so that I don't need to wash lots of dishes after I eat.

When you're chatting with a friend while you're walking around and not really paying attention then you turn around to took at your friend and you realise you've been talking to someone you don't even know the entire time.

My dreams are almost always bizarre in some way - the only time they're ever normal is when they're the premonition type, and then they're about completely uneventful things but accurate down to the tiniest detail.

Videotape my mother in the shower.

whenever I lucid dream, I find that I don't do much

try and open the microwave right before it finishes.

Every time I walk up the stairs in my own house, I feel compelled to do it on all fours.

Your mom

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I accidentally killed someone. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I did it accidentally. Would I call an ambulance, hide the body, confess to police, destroy evidence, etc?

When looking at a digital clock that counts down to seconds, I wait until the seconds are an even number, then I try to say each number in order twice before it changes.

Only use the left earphone.

When you're the youngest child, you never quit feeling like a little kids, even in your 20s.

Think that some of the posts here are pretty damn normal and how that means I am much weirder than I thought I was

Counting the lines on the street as they pass the edge of your cars window.

listening to music and not realizing ur favorite song is on until the last word

Saving some leftovers of your favorite food .... the next week its still there (:

text somebody something and if they don't reply quickly, resend that same text.

Wait until my friends are done eating lunch so I don't have to dump my tray alone.

When I fap at friends house, I use mobile data instead of his wifi incase history can be seen

I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

I practice my signature on a piece of paper over and over again. Even though my signature has never changed.

Hatch an escape plan as soon as my date starts to complain about anything.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.