All of my friends go to halloween parties. I still go trick or treating.

When posting these, I'm rarely able to read the words/letters in the box that prove you're human and not some computer virus. Now I'm starting to think I'm not a human......

Find a really good joke on the internet and pretend you came up with it to make your friends think you're funny

Never eat curry before school otherwise you will have a massive poo

Feeling sorry for objects to throw away!! Haha anyone els?

When playing a game you refer to the kid you don't know as "kid" - ar2

put wood glue on my hand, blow it dry and peel it off to make fake skin

Have a big twitch, freak out when you are dosing off in class but suddenly wake up.

Being in the car and wondering if your parents can read your mind so you think "If you can here me cough in 3, 2, 1..." Sometimes my dad actually does it and he looks back at me and smiles. .-.

pee when you are dreaming haha lol

Sometimes, I wonder why god or the big bang ever existed in the first place and why there is a universe in the first place ... And it makes my brain hurt!

I wonder if elections are rigged?


When ever i hear music that i like i imagine im in a fight and i know martial arts with people i dont know

I often try to visualise and merge my faces with various girls i could potentially fall for, just to assess how our future children would look like.

Solving your problems in bed before sleeping and then forgetting all of the solutions when you wake up. This applies to games, homework, and world hunger.

When I'm walking and I step on a crack with my left food, the next time I step on a crack it has to be my right foot and vise versa. I can't step on a crack twice in a row with the same foot. But I don't have to step on every crack.

judge a spider on it's ability to hide from me and decide to let it survive if I consider it a clever hiding place, then get paranoid because the spider was smart.

Try to move your head to line up specks on the windshield with objects outside.

Try to think of something nice when then thinks I the scariest things

Realizing that I can just yell out the word "Fuck!" and no one can stop me.

When your watching a YouTube video and you have to watch an AD, you mute it and turn your head away because your just that pissed off at the company.

Be talking to someone about something random, then a few days later or so... something very relevant to that happens, then you think to yourself "I'm sure I can tell the future"... I'm very confident that, that is just me...

Say something in my head, but then wonder if i said it out loud and just didn't realize.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.