Playing with a tiny piece of loose skin in the middle of my upper lip.

When I'm drinking something, I slosh the glass back and forth a long with my head to try and get what I'm drinking into my mouth.

Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Then 6 hours later, you wish you hadn't. (sometimes even open the fridge and check whether you actually ate it or not)

Smoking a cigarette on the toilet and then accidentally ashing directly into your panties. Everytime.

Drum on the chair between your legs and wonder if people think that you're playing with yourself.

Does anyone else look at people when there talking and then randomly get in on there conversation.

Watch the same movies over and over

sitting in your room at night and making imagineary monters or random figures out of things in your room.

When people are walking behind me I automatically think they are staring at my ass and get self-conscious.

Write b as d and d as b or p as q and q as p. I mostly write b as d and d as b since I've learned the alphabet. Trying not to do that now

having cool friends, but all their other friends are nerds.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I play video games with the controller under the covers.

I sometimes go out of my way to make sure I have my iPhone with me in the bathroom while taking a poop.

If I have a cold or runny nose, when I'm alone I stuff tissues in my nostrils so I don't have to keep blowing my nose sooooo much.

Close the Facebook page, after not having a single message in hours, and re open it in a minute, expecting numerous new messages......

think up the funniest jokes right before i go to sleep and cant think of them the next day

Not vote up my own posts? I bet I'm among the few..

Saying an awkward word enough times so that it doesn't sound like a real word anymore

I hid money in a jar behind a brick in the house I lived in and forgot about it. I've since moved to another state but I didn't remember I left the cash behind until years later.

I probably am the only one who does this but I climb on my cat's cat tree to see what it's like to be a cat o.o

I rub the ends of my hair because it feels awesome.

after taking a dump i always still smell a little bit of poop and i wonder if other people smell it too

Blow into the shower head when I'm taking a shower to make what sounds like jet noises

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.