speak proper english

if im somewhere and say i get a itchy ass,i would say to a friend whilst sctatching " i have the itchyist but whole in the world right now" jokingly. but then think to myself, i wonder if there is someone in the world right now at the same time as me who has actually got a itchyer butt lol

masturbate as soon as the opportunity arrises. "You'll be home alone all day" "Ok, bye.....*fap fap fap*"

Wonder if life is just a dream then get a creepy feeling and immediately think happier thoughts.

Worry a lot about the efficiency of your path when walking.

I got a lot of high rated entries, but they dont contain Moral: This.

When you sit down to use the toilet, start, and then realize that the window is open and people can hear you.You then either search for something to mask the sound or proceed to relieve yourself by making as little noise as possible (ultimately failing)

Everytime my sibling starts a sentance with "I remember when","I have an idea"etc.,I get up and walk out.

Eating chicken at KFC.

Find myself thinking a completely random meaningless sentence as I'm falling asleep with no idea how I got to that thought.

If I'm walking with or behind someone I always match their footsteps

I pick a green crayon from crayon box but it's one of those yellow-greens that look yellow and now my clover will be half yellow forever.

When you had a crush on a girl in elementary school, then don't see her in middle school and think of how much of a bitch she was. Then You start crushing on her again in high school.

test how many stares you can scale in one step

Listening to more obscure music in a public place and turning it up in hopes that someone will ask you what you're listening to and you can tell them about it/open their minds.

Use the 0.3141592653589793238462643383279502884 second rule

I have never watched Star Wars.

use the hair drier to dry my balls after shower

I don't read the terms of service.

You think someone is reading your mind and hurriedly change what your thinking to something normal

think up the funniest jokes right before i go to sleep and cant think of them the next day

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Hold your breath when you go in bridge tunnels and compete against your friends to see who can last longer.

When you can feel yourself blushing so you pretend to be preoccupied with something else.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.