Before getting in the shower, staring at your naked body, thinking your sexy.

Show all your friends this website to prove your not as strange as they think you are.

When I'm listening to a sad song that relates to my life while I'm walking all alone, I mouth the words and pretend I'm in a music video.

Having more dificulty thinking in your native language than your 2nd or 3rd one. Or 4th one. Or... the rest. I highly doubt that one's common.

Sometimes there is a hair in my butt and then I pull it slowly out. And it feels funny.

I think source beggars are lazy pest that should be groin kicked

Pretend animals talk to you!

I find that whenever I go somewhere it always seems to take longer than when I come back home

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

i want to FAWK the SHYT out of that girl

Whenever you shave, you make sure you cut both ends of your moustache, leaving a small patch in the middle above your lips. Then you pretend to be Hitler ;)

I used to be the third most useless invention in the world, and now I am so sad, I mean I lost to a square wheel! Moral: On the bright side, ill never be as useless as Rustin Beaver.

~When you turn around, somebody is already looking at you; something is probably on your face. (I know they look at you because you would look at anybody turning around, but I just hate it)

Leave coins on the floor in the corner when I have a party to see if there is a petty thief around

Make a weird face when taking a picture with a friend, never see the picture, so you try to remake the face you did in a mirror to see how stupid you looked...

Flush the toilet before you finish peeing.

Go for a 10 mile run.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I wonder what a baby is laughing about when they are apparently being entertained by something in the room I can't see

Wonder if life is just a dream then get a creepy feeling and immediately think happier thoughts.

turn the colour down on your tv and pretend what you are watching is an old movie

When I am bored and home alone, I sometimes try to recreate the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber. (P.S. Sorry if this was already submitted, I didn't see it.)

I look really handsome in my mirror, only to find myself looking weird in other mirrors, and like a total retard at photographies.

After eating a banana I leave the last bit that was in the bottom

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.