Why are the rich so friggin unhappy?

Hide important things in places at home but forget later where you hid them.

Find myself thinking a completely random meaningless sentence as I'm falling asleep with no idea how I got to that thought.

I pick a green crayon from crayon box but it's one of those yellow-greens that look yellow and now my clover will be half yellow forever.

When I'm on a site that requires you to login with Facebook or Twitter to leave a comment, I click on the names of the nice looking ones to go see their pages to add them to my friends list.

Eat everything inside my burgers first then i eat the buns.

Close the Facebook page, after not having a single message in hours, and re open it in a minute, expecting numerous new messages......

See how fast and accurate i can use the fast forward on my dvr and applaud myself when i go full speed and stop 2 seconds before the show is back on.

I hid money in a jar behind a brick in the house I lived in and forgot about it. I've since moved to another state but I didn't remember I left the cash behind until years later.

You take showers on school morning because you like to stand there under the hot water just thinking about life while your warm

Every time I see a pretty girl,the first thing I think is how I'd love to pin her down and tickle her.

I rub the ends of my hair because it feels awesome.

Sometimes I pee sitting down and act like i'm a girl.

Use a signature that automatically gets me hundreds of red thumbs... Yeah that moral crap...

Spend countless hours looking at cars online I know I'll never be able to afford

Hearing a noise and turning around to see if theres a monster in the room, and when you see nothing you think "hmm, he hides everytime I turn my head around." and then for the next minute you try to suddenly look back to see if you can catch it off guard.

Blow into the shower head when I'm taking a shower to make what sounds like jet noises

This song will not come out of my head!

When I'm watching a movie I have already seen I hope for a different ending but soon realize it won't happen

Turn volume down on iPod or tv, then turn up one bar to make it seem like it's still loud.

When I was younger I used to think that Red bull was a drink that really did give you wings like they show in the commercials

Only use the left earphone.

Fake an orgasm after only 30 seconds, watch the "wtf" look on her face then laugh hysterically.

rub your face on your legs after shaving to feel how smooth they are.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.