Listen to the same songs for years on end without ever knowing the lyrics because they've been the soundtracks for your daydreams.

I say a word and it feels like it didnt roll off of my tongue right, so I keep mouthing the word and saying it quietly to myself or in my head. Then end up saying it loudly in affirmation, possibly more than once.

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'whores-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

I rehearse arguments in my head.

Picking my nose.

Ever played the sims, then wondered if you were just apart of a game and that maybe someone is controlling YOUR every move? Yeah. Me too.

turning up the volume in your car when theres a car next to you blasting a terrible song.

Use an entirely different vocabulary in your head than everyday life.

Shutting the fridge door slowly just to see the light shut off.

Check every spoon fork and knife in the silverware drawer for spots or old food before you choose which one to eat with

Having to poop in a certain way to avoid your ass sucking it in again. If it all comes out in one go, the cleaning becomes a lot easier and more satisfying.

when riding home on my bike with music on pretenend im in a race with no1 and commentate on iend get really exccited on the last straight especielly when a rocky soundtrack song comes on

I only used to eat McCoys Salt & Vinegar crisps when it was raining, because I thought they tasted better when it rains. Anyone else?

Before getting in the shower, staring at your naked body, thinking your sexy.

Whenever I'm in the shower, I never close my eyes because I think someones gonna kill me

I like asking my wife how her SIMIANS are doing (the sims 4) because its fun watching her try to hide the fact that it annoys her. Nero, now if you thought Moral Man the Friendly neighbourhood r*pist was bad... Well, thumb me down I dare you! Seriously I totally did not have a certain bitch turkish hacker put a tracker on my laptop si I can find out where you live... And pay some guy to break your kneecaps... I only done it twice though... Here on horsehead network :) Third time is a charm ;) NERO: Actually I paid people five times, the fourth did not do his job, so I pay a fifth to FINISH HIM! (Sometimes I think people on craigslist just like to kill for the fun of it, seriously, eighty bucks?)

Scratch inside my ear, then lick the finger I used.

After getting up from the grass, I use my foot to move the grass I was sitting on around so that there isn't a butt print in the grass.

While making yourself something to eat that takes more than 5 minuets to make. Pretending that you have your own show on a cooking station and talk like your talking to the audience the whole time.

Watch peoples body language and see if they're on the same pace of thought as i am and then try to speed up my thinking to pretend or act like I am realizing something they are not.

~When you turn around, somebody is already looking at you; something is probably on your face. (I know they look at you because you would look at anybody turning around, but I just hate it)

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

I wonder what a baby is laughing about when they are apparently being entertained by something in the room I can't see

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.