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in the morning when you wake up and take a shower you make weird faces to stretch out and "warm up" your face for the day

Think about the same confusing random dilemas that dont involve me every week and alwaus come to the same conclusion

Thinking of something but got distracted for a few seconds. After that, I forgot what was I thinking about.

If I'm alone, I'll imagine myself as somebody else an start acting as if I'm in a different life, complete with different people and places because in my imagination, I get to control what is going to happen next. Because, my imagination is way better than my reality.

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

Look at just about ANYTHING you see in the context of a zombie apocalypse. Example: strategizing escape routes and barricade points while you're walking down the hallway in school, or looking at something ordinary, like a baseball bat, and thinking, 'I could bash some zombie brains with that'

I'm ridiculously turned on by the scent nail polish.

You take showers on school morning because you like to stand there under the hot water just thinking about life while your warm

When you accidentally like get something on your hand so you go to wash it off but feel compelled to wash your other hand too even if it's not dirty

I am sure that no one else has the same mental slowness as me and my brother. When I say mauve he says maeve and we continue like this for hours. It is certainly an exciting way of eating up those motorway miles:)

When watching the news and see all those children and other innocent people die at wars, in my mind I shout at God and ask him why he doesn't give me the sign and my powers to save the world. J.C.

Blow into the shower head when I'm taking a shower to make what sounds like jet noises

Sneeze for a few minutes when I've eaten too much.

feel like im being watched turn my head sideways and see someone suddenly look away.

When I'm watching a movie I have already seen I hope for a different ending but soon realize it won't happen

Before I meet someone I've never met before, I think of stuff to say or do to prevent it from being awkward, but when I finally meet them I do none of the things I thought about doing.

Mostly make fun of my best friends but never make fun of just regular friends

turning up the volume in your car when theres a car next to you blasting a terrible song.

I rehearse arguments in my head.

when im alone and in a bad mood i make stupid faces with my eyes closed and try and figure out how stupid i looked. then i start laughing hysterically because i think that im an idiot. then i repeat this process until i have to pee from laughing so hard because im already in the bathroom so why not utilize the toilet, rather than waiting for a commercial and speed-peeing because im scared that i missed some of the show i was watching :D -Grace-

When listening to a song with headphones or on the radio i sing the harmonies or make them while they sing the lead

smile when you find out that the things you only do is right.

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.