You feel like someone can read your mind so you try not to think about stupid stuff.

Ever played the sims, then wondered if you were just apart of a game and that maybe someone is controlling YOUR every move? Yeah. Me too.

I rehearse arguments in my head.

turning up the volume in your car when theres a car next to you blasting a terrible song.

the time where you sit behind a person that smells like BO badly!!!

when you are at home doing something then all of a sudden you imagine how you would take down a killer if he came into your home right now. just me?

Fake an orgasm after only 30 seconds, watch the "wtf" look on her face then laugh hysterically.

Before posting a comment when you need several consecutive tries to type the words in the box because the lettering is so damn hard to read. But your friend can do it in one try. He got the easy one.

Hate when I can't sleep and the sun starts to come up and I hear birds chirping and i get worried and just realize that I should be happy that it's a new day and to relax.

while you put your t-shirt on, you get frightened that someone's watching you behind your shirt so you try to put it on as soon as possible.

when riding home on my bike with music on pretenend im in a race with no1 and commentate on iend get really exccited on the last straight especielly when a rocky soundtrack song comes on

I hate when my mom hangs my underwear on the clothesline outside.

Having more dificulty thinking in your native language than your 2nd or 3rd one. Or 4th one. Or... the rest. I highly doubt that one's common.

Sometimes there is a hair in my butt and then I pull it slowly out. And it feels funny.

Boinked my neighbor

Looking up your teachers on facebook just to look at their photos

make south park refferences every day

Sometimes I blow my nose on yesterday's socks because it is the closest thing to the bed in the morning and I'm too lazy to get up and go for a tissue. O_o

When I'm riding passenger in a car, things I'm driving past will be a part of my imaginary drum kit. When a car passes in the opposite direction, I'll tap my right foot as the bass drum, a drain hole along the gutter is my left hand snare, and the street signs and lights are the hi-hats in my right hand.

Whenever you shave, you make sure you cut both ends of your moustache, leaving a small patch in the middle above your lips. Then you pretend to be Hitler ;)

that movie-like moment when you want to rush out to dance in the rain

while i'm doing something,i think a suitable soundtrack for it.

If I'm walking across a road and a car stops to allow me to pass, I say 'Thank you' even though I know full well they cannot hear me.

When you Saigon the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.