When you see someone you know in a shopping centre and you pretend that you didnt see them at all because you cant be bothered striking up a conversation.

turn the colour down on your tv and pretend what you are watching is an old movie

Pee in the shower

After eating a banana I leave the last bit that was in the bottom

Without thinking i ask questions i know the answer to

You try to tell a joke to impress everyone and then you mess it up.

Sleep in your jeans because you think it feels comfortable in the morning.

I really enjoy spending my birthday alone. I never told anyone that.

Think long and hard about something but then realise you don't care

When i get a back shiver. That's when i know something bad going to happen.

sometimes i mouth improvised, ridiculous sentences in the mirror to see what i look like when i talk to people

when your professor describes their wife or husband you imagine their wife or husband.

after switching lights..i go run as hard as i could do after reaching the bed

I mean Diana Ross.

Look at a guy and think that he is a good looking guy, than immidiatly try to think of something else because thats gay.

when in the car with just one parent i get very cautious about what im thinking cuz i feel like they r reading my mind

While trying to sleep I obsess over the little red LED on the TV set which I can't even see unless I lift my head from the pillow.

get a new *to you* car, and suddenly every other car on the road is the same make/ model..... hey look! an outback!

disgusted by people that are obsessed with poo and pee

When you sit down to use the toilet, start, and then realize that the window is open and people can hear you.You then either search for something to mask the sound or proceed to relieve yourself by making as little noise as possible (ultimately failing)

Smelling food to see if its spicy.

I am 23 and I still wish the stalk will take back my younger brother

Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Then 6 hours later, you wish you hadn't. (sometimes even open the fridge and check whether you actually ate it or not)

I sometimes go out of my way to make sure I have my iPhone with me in the bathroom while taking a poop.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.