I like to record the audio from TV shows and movies onto cassette tapes from my stereo, and listen to them on my Walkman while I'm working in the kitchen or around the house.

I sometimes wonder if the world is even real.

Find that the kettle has recently been used and still contains hot water so decide to have a cup of tea just so that boiling that water wasn't a waste. Think that it might have cooled down by now. Reboil the water.

Boring car ride? Read every food & drinks rapper you can find .

Use the toilet shower to wipe your a**, but denies the fact until death for your friends.

Play Minecraft

OMG have you ever realized that one of your eyes is showing everything more reddish and the other one showing everything more bluish just like these old 3d glasses

I have seen a UFO

strt thinking about something spinning, then cant stop no matter how hard you try.

Scratch my scalp and look around the place if there is someone watching me (if no one does) quickly smell my fingers

Pay attention to commercial breaks to see if there is ever a break without an advertisement about cars or new movies coming out

I got 12 months free xbox live gold from this website http://freexboxlivegoldcodes.org .You can also get it.

If i've been thinking about a particular person a lot, afterwards if people are telling a story or describing a scenario, I always picture the person I was thinking of before as the person as the main character in their story/scenario.

(Men) When you have to poop and pee at the same time, you stand to pee, and THEN sit to poop. Just out of principle.

Watching movies about couples with age gaps and woundering how it would feel like to be with somebody much older (or younger) than you. Would they use viagra or would you not even try to have sex with someone so old and delicate?

Sometimes I walk around town and watch peoples TVs through their windows. When they see me and confront me, I try to get a conversation about the show going.

When boarding the escalator, I select a specific step before getting on causing a slight queue.

Intentionally utilize uncommon vocabulary to replace colloquial slang for the pure purpose of entertainment (for oneself). :D

When theres a car just like yours right next to your car in the parking lot you almoat always gravitate to that car instead. It's the worst when there people in the car and you keep trying to open it.

I put my finger in jars of jam/yoghurt/honey etc then lick the finger and repeat and hope nobody see's me.

When the T.V switches to commercial sometimes I forget what I was watching Noel

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

do math problems in my head while having sex to keep from coming

I think any disasterous accidents will not happen to me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.