Judge a stranger in your mind (God, they're ugly/fat etc.) then wonder if they heard you thinking it.

while you put your t-shirt on, you get frightened that someone's watching you behind your shirt so you try to put it on as soon as possible.

Whenever I'm scared at night in my room I turn on music. Because the music will keep away people trying to get me. Obviously.

Moving my bottom jaw around slightly makes me feel like I have dog-like ears and I'm moving them around.

I feel that there is something sinister going on in government

When the wind is blowing like crazy, I pretend I am the god who controls it.

Whenever I get in the shower, no matter what, I always have to pee.

I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

Believing in the kindness of strangers

I can't piss with my shoes on.

Start walking down a busy street or mall, and realise I've gone the wrong way. Suddenly stop and pretend to read something on my phone for a few seconds before turning round and walking the right way.

I play out romantic scenarios with myself when I'm alone. We're talking full-blown just straight up talking out loud- to myself, of course. It's not that I'm lonely or anything since I did this when I had a boyfriend anyway (just to clarify, it didn't end because of this XD.) I really just feel like doing it because it's really friggin' entertaining. If you've never done it, well... it's basically like being in a really crappy, low budget soap opera, with a plot that doesn't make any damn sense, staring you as every character and the audience. That's basically the only way I could describe it lol.

Sometimes I blow my nose on yesterday's socks because it is the closest thing to the bed in the morning and I'm too lazy to get up and go for a tissue. O_o

What do you call a rapist in your house? Your father.

If i've been thinking about a particular person a lot, afterwards if people are telling a story or describing a scenario, I always picture the person I was thinking of before as the person as the main character in their story/scenario.

Sometimes I walk around town and watch peoples TVs through their windows. When they see me and confront me, I try to get a conversation about the show going.

Pick your dead skin then eat it.

Sometimes I wait a long time to pee when I really have to go. It feels good.

see if I can hold my breath when walking down a long hallway

Sometimes I accidentally move my mouth in a way where it suddenly makes a random farting noise so I immediately just make more obviously made fart noises just so people wont think I actually farted. Is that only me?

I put my finger in jars of jam/yoghurt/honey etc then lick the finger and repeat and hope nobody see's me.

One time I went to my old primary school and while I was there I needed the toilet. So I go use the schools and was shocked at how small everything was I guess because I haven't been there in a while

When someone is talking to me and I'm not really listening, when it gets quiet I say 'that's crazy' so they think I'm listening.

i feel all weird and sad when i thing about my old belongings.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.