Saying an awkward word enough times so that it doesn't sound like a real word anymore

Not wanting to think about something but your brain thinks about it because you are trying not to think about it so much.

Picking my nose.

You take showers on school morning because you like to stand there under the hot water just thinking about life while your warm

Wonder if the life your living is one long dream and your gonna wake up and be some type of alien.

Mostly make fun of my best friends but never make fun of just regular friends

Before drinking the actual soft drink, I drink the fizz as fast as I can.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I tilt my head back and eat grapes pretending like im a greek god

Thinking about life as if its just a dream and wondeing if one day your just going to wake up and be like " wtf just happend".....

I only used to eat McCoys Salt & Vinegar crisps when it was raining, because I thought they tasted better when it rains. Anyone else?

When I have an argument with someone and they're correcting my grammar over a word that I obviously made up but they're grammar/slash spelling skills suck I want to end them.

Wipe a soda can after somebody else in my family drinks out of it just in case I get sick or I may feel there spit.


arrange certain social situations with attractive girls just to make spank bank deposits.

try not to step on cracks on the sidewalk

Watch peoples body language and see if they're on the same pace of thought as i am and then try to speed up my thinking to pretend or act like I am realizing something they are not.

when I'm lying in bed and I really have to fart, I lift up the blanket, stick my ass out and fart into the night air to keep the stench out of my bed

you know that when things have only one like on this site, the people who wrote it liked it

Take off the ends of the banana (

Put my hands together the 'other' way

In a meeting at work, you imagine throwing coffee into your boss's face, just to see what he would do.

Walking into a room to do something, and then forgetting what you were gonna do.

Look at just about ANYTHING you see in the context of a zombie apocalypse. Example: strategizing escape routes and barricade points while you're walking down the hallway in school, or looking at something ordinary, like a baseball bat, and thinking, 'I could bash some zombie brains with that'

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.