I pretend to get future messages. Like when I'm about to have a bad subject. I get a message from future me telling present me like 'Oh god. Yeah, brace yourself for science today.'

Help my dogs eat their dinner....I think the whole time, "If they only had thumbs".....

Feeling self conscious about breathing to loudly

When I'm in a car and I hear a song on the radio, I always imagine myself performing it perfectly in front of a crowd even though I know I'd never be able to do that. I've done this since I was very young and still do.

Trying on other people's clothes at the gym/laundromat when they ain't looking!! (^_^)

Feels my beard with my tongue.

Feel like something is behind you/watching you, run to your room super quickly and get into the room before that something gets you

I stick used soap to a new soap so I don't waste it.

Justin Beiber is a woman

Time a song on my MP3 player to be the soundtrack to something I'm about to do, especially in public places.

In the summer when it's hot, I bring a fan into the bathroom when I take a crap.

Everytime my sibling starts a sentance with "I remember when","I have an idea"etc.,I get up and walk out.

Just ocassionally stand up and pontlessly walk around the house when using the computer. Anyone?

My daily agenda: wake up take a crap get out of bed...

Having sudden realizations that you are a person who exists.

eat cake in a bowl with milk the way you would eat a bowl of cereal

I sometimes wonder if the world is even real.

If I have a cold or runny nose, when I'm alone I stuff tissues in my nostrils so I don't have to keep blowing my nose sooooo much.

When I see lost posters of native parrots I always wonder how could I find 1 in a million

I look behind me and out of my window every 10 minutes while I'm sitting at my desk because I'm scared something's gonna be there.

Hold your breath when you go in bridge tunnels and compete against your friends to see who can last longer.

I never even met you! Why do you care who I'm talking to?

Listening to more obscure music in a public place and turning it up in hopes that someone will ask you what you're listening to and you can tell them about it/open their minds.

Look at every individual line on my hands and see if they are identicle

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.