Touching that door knob three times before opening the door.

Say the Lord's name in vain, then say "sorry God" under my breath right after.

When I was little and I saw disney's hercules I had no idea why Meg was working for Hades

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

Pass wind after i ate lasagna.

I Think people can read my mind....."if you can read my mind nod your head or don't if you don't want me to know that you can" It doesn't work either way but yeah thats just me lol

After brushing my teeth I used to suck the water from it

I say that girl's name I have a crush on right before I go to sleep because I want her to be the last thing I think about, and then wake up realizing that it was super creepy... Only to do it again the next night

When I do something stupid and people are around I hope that nobody saw me and I never tell anyone what I did. But if i do something stupid and I am alone I feel I have to tell somebody.

I deeply pick my nose with tweezers. It's like the relief of pooping to me.

When im standing at a urinal and another guy was there before me and i still finish first i pretend like im still peeing so he wont think i have a bladder problem.

Play Minecraft

When I'm reading a book and I come to a word that is long or difficult to pronounce every time I come to that word again I pronounce it 'manamanam'.

I always have trouble leaving a airplanes lavatory I never get the door open

Listen to the same songs for years on end without ever knowing the lyrics because they've been the soundtracks for your daydreams.

Turn volume down on iPod or tv, then turn up one bar to make it seem like it's still loud.

I have memorized my drivers license registration number

When serving grilled steak, I always make sure I get the best one.

Scratch my scalp and look around the place if there is someone watching me (if no one does) quickly smell my fingers

When I'm walking I look up at nothing in particular and it causes everyone else to look up too!

Wanting to marry Tyler Joseph but then you remember he's married :(

Search up google on bing or yahoo because i feel that google is so much better

Pay attention to commercial breaks to see if there is ever a break without an advertisement about cars or new movies coming out

i masturbate with my feet

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.