Stare blankly at your desktop when someone walks in the room so they won't know that you were watching porn lol

Sometimes when someone says something to me, I will hear them perfectly clear, but I will instinctively say "what?"

I can't help but wonder why people write things on web sites and don't bother checking their spelling. Now they look like an idiot no matter how funny or interesting it might have been.

When a male dies and screams in pain in a movie, I feel normal about it. When a female does, I feel bad and want to help.

Get somewhat worried about myself if I'm thumbed down on THIS SITE.

Press harder on the remote when I know the batteries are dead.

I sleep in my underpants every single night

When in a room by myself and I hear someone coming to walk into the room I'm in, I feel an overwhelming urge to hide behind the door so they don't see me first.

creating your own personal perfect partner in romance or frendship, almost like a imaginary friend (but you don't speak to them out loud)

Check this site often to see if anyone liked my comment or not...

Sometimes I try to solve a math problem using my finger and my thigh, and when I make a mistake a erase it with my hand.

I wonder why the word ISLAND has an "S" in it?

When I'm making a weird face, I remind my self to stop before it gets stuck like that.

Your mom. Just kidding everyone does her.

When it's as quiet as possible in the classroom in the middle of the period and everyone is silently doing their work.... I suddenly think of something REALLY funny and spend the next half hour awkwardly grinning trying my hardest not to burst out uncontrollably.

Cough, whistle or hum while on the toilet for a time, just so anyone outside the door doesn't think I'm mastrubating.

I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

Criticize a porn novel for its poor use of the English language

I used to eat bath bubbles

When i think about something hilarious that happened previously and laugh about it days later at the most innappropriate time.


Accidently send an empty text or text multiple people and send wrong text to wrong person

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Whenever I watch TV, the volume has to be on multiples of 5. Even if the perfect volume is in between.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.