When ever I'm walking up or down stairs, i always have to step on the last step with my left foot.

If someone tells me what I did when I was drinking and it's stupid or embarrassing I pretend I don't remember because I was too drunk.

Drop something down the side of the couch, say that you'll get it in a minute and then forget about it

worry about other people hearing you pee when your in the bathroom.

Right after moving to a new place I check my room for hidden cameras.

I love touching, squeezing and occasionally biting my dog's (read: any dog's) muzzle. I love the texture and the gummy-ness. I also love how pissed he gets when I do it and sneezes after.

If I have to get up early the following day I will surprisingly wake up early even without an alarm

When I am drinking coffee and I am nearly finished I swish the coffee to get the last of the sugar

I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

I always have to watch the credits of a movie even, though everyone else has left the theatre and there are people cleaning up the seats, which makes me think, they think i'm crazy.

I watch American football with the sound down low because the announcers are always trying to tell us that we didn't see what we just saw when the referees make bad calls

Wave my hand at automatic doors just as they open pretending that I have Jedi powers

Feel the bed gets more comfortable the longer you put off getting into bed.

Feels my beard with my tongue.

When you sit down to use the toilet, start, and then realize that the window is open and people can hear you.You then either search for something to mask the sound or proceed to relieve yourself by making as little noise as possible (ultimately failing)

While going to sleep, you turn the pillow downside-up several times to find a cooler surface.

I hold my breath in elevators

When I'm home alone at night I check around the corners to make sure there isn't anyone there

Taking the little rings off the top of my bottles.

Zoning out while looking at something and then trying to find the spot you were looking at when you're out of the zone but you can't find it.

get some of the lyrics to a song wrong. you know theyre wrong, but continue to sing the wrong words anyway, because the real words just don't seem to fit.

I love the We'll Be Right Back jingle on the Eric Andre show.

When I am about to thumb up a comment here that has not happened to me, I first stop myself thinking "but that has not happened to me" then I remember I thumb up comments just because I like them and proceed to do so most of the times

Eating chicken at KFC.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.