I think any disasterous accidents will not happen to me.

One time I went to my old primary school and while I was there I needed the toilet. So I go use the schools and was shocked at how small everything was I guess because I haven't been there in a while

I shove food in my face like an animal when I'm home alone instead of eating like a normal person.

Pretend to be texting to look popular in public

when i'm at the computer i say out of loud what i'm typing

When I drive I sing really loud and then when a car come up next to me I pretend I wasn't singing

Feel like puhing the crap out of people who talk loud in public places.

Pretend the legs of a chair are the barrels of a mini gun while moving them.

when you've done everything you wanted to do on the internet and stop and just stare at the screen.

Always check the other side of the shower curtain when showering out of fear that someone is on the other side

Imagine flying things and epic battles when listening to music.

right click refresh on desktop. Repeat

I don't like just killing bugs in my home so what I do is I would catch them in a tissue and flush them down my toilet

When home alone and you hear a noise getting out a gun/weapon.

Run into a wall and say "I'm sorry" and then realize that it's just a wall.

I'm a guy and I like to wear swimwear as underwear

I always try to play it cool and act like it’s no big deal. But I always have a mini anxiety attack before actually stepping onto a moving escalator. It is a task trying to time my step perfectly where my foot isn’t hanging off a step and I have to hurry my second foot on there isn’t an awdward space of steps between my feet. -Ikka

Sometimes while texting or messaging, I enact the physical gestures that accompany what I'm saying as if it were an in-person conversation, even though no one can see me.

reading thingsyouthinkonlyyoudo.com at the office when you're supposed to be working then checking that the guy next to you doesn't notice. and quickly clicking a different tab when someone is walking or standing nearby.

When I am making toast I spread the butter or jam with a spoon

Whenever someone enters a pin number I always try to see how many number I can remember

Without thinking i ask questions i know the answer to

I'm a female. Sometimes I pee in the shower just so that I can try to aim my pee at the drain. This way I can imagine what it's like to pee with a doodle.

Stepping on people's feet when I approach to kiss/hug/say hi to them.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.