Listening to a song, thinking about having the life of the singer in the band

Imagine flying things and epic battles when listening to music.

right click refresh on desktop. Repeat

Make a day of reading posts from Craiglist's Best-Of.

Hthe temptation to go up on the roof but when u get to where u go out get freaked and run away

Sometimes while texting or messaging, I enact the physical gestures that accompany what I'm saying as if it were an in-person conversation, even though no one can see me.

I never side with the majority (if given a choice.)

Sometimes I cant sleep without something making noise , like a fan .

I'm a female. Sometimes I pee in the shower just so that I can try to aim my pee at the drain. This way I can imagine what it's like to pee with a doodle.

Almost every time someone tells me something sad I have to fight the urge to grin.

When the vacuum cleaner's going, I try to stay as far away from it and block the noise by shutting doors.

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

See my "double reflection" in 2 mirrors and then get freaked out for a good ten minutes that my usual image of myself is actually the flipped version...

Peel my mandarin oranges in one try

When an awkward situation arises, pull out my phone and aimlessly flip through the apps to pretend I'm busy doing something

Make the water from your shower shoot from your finger and pretend to be a water-bender.

Eat my shed skin from a sunburn

I tend to ignore phone calls, even when I know the phone call could be important.

Waiting with a friend the microwave countdown finish and when comes to 0 shout "Happy New Year!" and we hug each other

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

At any time of day, when i'm not busy, someone you know pops into your head and you start talking to them telepathically, but not for long, then you realise that youre just plain crazy? anyone?

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Use reverse psychology on the rain to make it slow down or speed up.

When I'm riding passenger in a car, things I'm driving past will be a part of my imaginary drum kit. When a car passes in the opposite direction, I'll tap my right foot as the bass drum, a drain hole along the gutter is my left hand snare, and the street signs and lights are the hi-hats in my right hand.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.