If I'm trying to read a clock or bulletin from far away, I instinctively stand and point at it.

Turn volume down on iPod or tv, then turn up one bar to make it seem like it's still loud.

I rehearse arguments in my head.

I Masturbate Daily.

carry my cat by holding it's front and back legs

You feel like someone can read your mind so you try not to think about stupid stuff.

When the wind is blowing like crazy, I pretend I am the god who controls it.

Pay attention to commercial breaks to see if there is ever a break without an advertisement about cars or new movies coming out

If its dark and you have to go with rhe stairs i do that running because i tink somebody is behind my

I hate when my mom hangs my underwear on the clothesline outside.

Laying in bed at a friends place with your eyes closed imaging where you would end up if you got up and went to the toilet as if it was your own house.

Play call of duty then go around shooting everyone in your mind for the rest of the day

When I notice that I have just breathed in/out, for the next minute or so I feel like I have to make a conscious effort to keep breathing.

Know almost every line from spongbob episodes.

I blow my nose in my towel after i dry off. Then use the same towel the next day. lol

Read what other people do that you don't, and think how weird that person must be.


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When I was little I used to cover myself all the way up and put pillows around me, then ask my sister if she could see me, trying to be invisible when I sleep just in case someone breaks into my house at night.

speak proper english

Sometimes I blow my nose on yesterday's socks because it is the closest thing to the bed in the morning and I'm too lazy to get up and go for a tissue. O_o

What do you call a rapist in your house? Your father.

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

I hate it when people assume I'm smart just because I don't speak much and I wear glasses.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.