When I Was Little I Always Slept On My Stomach Even If I Wasn't Comfortable Because I Thought It Would Be Harder For Aliens To Abduct Me.

Going to sleep during class thinking that you've written down all your notes, until you wake up and realize you did nothing.

expecting to get on this website to find something funny but instead finding crappy posts.

RE:" pee on the side of the toilet" you dont pee on the side of the toilet so it isn't loud. you pee on the side so it doesn't splash on you're legs as much.

While talking on the phone you can't think of anything to say then it gets awkwardly quiet

I use the internet to validate that weirdness is not actually weird at all.

Making gang signs out the window when your parents let you ride in the front seat

Courtesy flush.

Sometimes when I look in the mirror I act out a scene like Tyra banks coming up to me and asking me to be on America's next top model.

If I'm trying to read a clock or bulletin from far away, I instinctively stand and point at it.

sometimes when i see a cop cruising around i try and act suspicious to see if they pull me over.

Watched the woman in black then go to bed then suddenly a woman in black comes in my room oh wait it is just my mum saying good night

Scratch my scalp and look around the place if there is someone watching me (if no one does) quickly smell my fingers

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I think my friends are dumb! I love them so much!!

Read the time on your watch, then after a few minutes, read it again because you forgot it.

don't wash my hands after using the toilet because its a waste of time

Feeling very uncomfortable for days, untill your motivation finally reaches that point when you start learning for the exam.

I sniff my finger after I scatch my bunghole lol

When I make croissants from the Pillsbury can, I'll take one of the little triangles and eat it, because I like the consistency of dough, and i like the fizzy feeling of the yeast on my tongue.

Click my teeth from side to side at the beat of songs

I sleep naked cauz It's dead sexy.

I rate certain songs on my iPod higher than others because if someone else is checking out my playlists, I don't want them knowing how much I really love that super cheesy song from the early 90's (even though every time it comes on, I hit repeat at least 3 times and sing aloud as loudly as I think I can get away with. I really, really love that song!).

Love the natural smell of my dog's paws.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.