Every time I miss a gree light by just a couple seconds, I think to myself, "Maybe if I had made that light an out of control semi would be slamming into my car right at this moment." Thank you red light.

When you cringe as you walk out of a store because you're paranoid the door will beep...

Hate people who don't dress like you because they're not fashionable. Hate people who do dress like you because they threaten your individuality.

Anytime I walk in anyplace with cracks in the ground (tiled floors, cement squares, etc.) I do my best to avoid stepping on cracks in fear of something happening if I do.

Try tosing in the same tone and impersonate a girl voice while listening to music in my room, but then quickly start humming in a low voice when someones walking by -Ethan

Think that some minutes feel shorter than others

I forget I turned the toaster on and jump when it goes off.

When I drive I sing really loud and then when a car come up next to me I pretend I wasn't singing

I love touching, squeezing and occasionally biting my dog's (read: any dog's) muzzle. I love the texture and the gummy-ness. I also love how pissed he gets when I do it and sneezes after.

Dutch oven myself when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep

Opening the fridge door, then trying to accomplish pouring a drink, before the door seals itself forever leaving the cola to the mercy of the outside world.

Hthe temptation to go up on the roof but when u get to where u go out get freaked and run away

When I dry my hair after showering I put a towel on my head and look at the mirror pretending I am a mighty naked sheik.

When I step on something pokey, I don't say the quick "OW" that is expected, I go the extra syllable and a say "JOW!"

When I'm laying in bed in the dark and I close my eyes for a while then when I open them again I quickly scan for a light source just to make sure I can still see.

When my girlfriend ask me what I am thinking about, I tell her I am thinking of all the great things about my last girlfriend.

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

I stick used soap to a new soap so I don't waste it.

I don't thumb down any submissions because then I am just as bad as the people who thumb down mine

In the summer when it's hot, I bring a fan into the bathroom when I take a crap.

Almost every time someone tells me something sad I have to fight the urge to grin.

Listening to music walking through town and feeling like you're in a music video

I think of who will I save if a killer come to school

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.