I always feel chinese accents are unintelligent.

when you get a runny nose suddenly checks for blood oh good its clear

I sometimes wonder if the world is even real.

While talking on the phone you can't think of anything to say then it gets awkwardly quiet

Look to the right, and see nothing. Look to the left, and see nothing. Look to the right again, and see the chick from the ring (or some scary shit) standing there.

Imagine your in action movies and die for a girl while your lying there trying too sleep and realising you are deep in thought about something that your too chicken to do.

Every time I see a pretty girl,the first thing I think is how I'd love to pin her down and tickle her.

get a really delicious smelling soap or candle and feel sad when you remember you can't eat it.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

I sit on the toilet and pretend to tell someone about how awesome my life is when it isn't.

When im out with my dad in the car i swear traffic lights always seem to go to red when were coming

Saying something stupid and then claiming it was an inside joke so you don't look stupid.

I have won so many competitions online for things like being the 99, 999th visitor on the site

I used to think that if the earth was completely smoothed flat and you had a really powerful telescope if you looked through it you would see yourself looking through the telescope.

Get soo scared in the shower when your home alone that you are scared to open the curtain just incase somebody is out tthere

Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

Use the letters on my phone to make words to help me remember important numbers

Think about breathing...

Imagining yourself in the "Last Supper" scene. (in Jesus's spot matter of fact)

At work or in public and I am wearing snug pants I think sexy thoughts so I'll have half a hardon and make people think it's that big all time.

I talk through my teeth when i am talking to my pets.

Thinking about life as if its just a dream and wondeing if one day your just going to wake up and be like " wtf just happend".....

when you're walking down the streets and you listen to your iPod, you pretend you're part of the music video for that song and when no ones looking, lip sync to the lyrics, as if the camera man's filming you >.

Whenever I'm scared at night in my room I turn on music. Because the music will keep away people trying to get me. Obviously.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.