I have a phobia of incest

Always have your feet under the cover, and if not, you think that something will get you.

Sometimes when someone says something to me, I will hear them perfectly clear, but I will instinctively say "what?"

You pretend to fight imaginary people while no ones looking:/ But you look like the star wars kid...

Intentionally utilize uncommon vocabulary to replace colloquial slang for the pure purpose of entertainment (for oneself). :D

I type a comment here and secretly feel special

masturbate as soon as the opportunity arrises. "You'll be home alone all day" "Ok, bye.....*fap fap fap*"

When theres a car just like yours right next to your car in the parking lot you almoat always gravitate to that car instead. It's the worst when there people in the car and you keep trying to open it.

Every time I miss a gree light by just a couple seconds, I think to myself, "Maybe if I had made that light an out of control semi would be slamming into my car right at this moment." Thank you red light.

When someone starts waving and saying hi then I start waving and saying hi even though I have no idea who it is only to realize they are actually waving at someone behind me.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

When standing in long lines (stores, banks etc..) I think about how other people would react if I puked all over the place with no warning.

Sometimes after a long, hard day or when something bad happens I just sit down and cry in the shower.

Never eat curry before school otherwise you will have a massive poo

pretend you have a fishing pole and are reeling in cars to pass them when your in the passengers seat going down the freeway.

I know how to Gleek on command. (Don't know what it is just look it up.)

Not likeing something someone posted because you have a secret crush on them and you don't want them to think you check there Facebook too much.

Get bored of regular porn and watch some bestiality just for the variation.

You look over the edge of a tall building/structure, and have that sudden urge to jump off.

When ever I'm walking up or down stairs, i always have to step on the last step with my left foot.

Call out the mistakes I see drivers make in front of me.

watch lesbian porn instead of normal because you hate have other men in the picture

get really confused

I don't know about anyone else but I really felt bad when the Lich killed Prismo in Adventure Time

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.