really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

I no longer trust any of my local news because they appear to have an agenda

Cringe when remembering something weird about you that happened years ago

Every time I walk up the stairs in my own house, I feel compelled to do it on all fours.

I like to think I'm a Lion or cat.

Watched the woman in black then go to bed then suddenly a woman in black comes in my room oh wait it is just my mum saying good night

When the wind is blowing like crazy, I pretend I am the god who controls it.

Vigorously scratch my head over a black surface and watch the dandruff fall like snowflakes....then eat it.

I have just one thing to say to all the women who look at me as a sex object. Hey.

Think that when you're reading something or watching tv some people somewhere are knowing what your watching or whether or not you understand what you just read so you don't wanna reread it to risk looking stupid.

Wish that illegal Mexicans would stop driving drunk and uninsured and killing innocent legal people or injuring them for life and leaving them in medical debt.

I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

when walking i always count how many steps i have taken as i go

click your pen off of your desk and make it hop in the air

check behind the shower curtain before taking a piss xD E E S

Thinking about what is nothing and other deep shit when trying to fall asleep.

When I make croissants from the Pillsbury can, I'll take one of the little triangles and eat it, because I like the consistency of dough, and i like the fizzy feeling of the yeast on my tongue.

Scroll aimlessly through the posts on this website and for some reason, creepily stop and check the comments on the one that has the word "boobs" in it.

I thought I was disgusting until I read the top voted things here. Floral: Actually pretty neat.

Always have your feet under the cover, and if not, you think that something will get you.

get annoyed when people talk on the phone really loudly in front of the TV, forcing you to mute your show, resulting in you missing half of what the people are saying.

When you're bored or alone, you think of an argument you had with a friend recently, then think of all the things you should've said and get all powered up inside, but then you realise it's too late -_-

Sometimes I accidentally move my mouth in a way where it suddenly makes a random farting noise so I immediately just make more obviously made fart noises just so people wont think I actually farted. Is that only me?

Sitting down on the toitlet to pee (being a male). It's so comfortable when you're tired. Also: Wonder if there's a female version of this, where girls stand up to take a piss. Just curiosity.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.