Save more than once on your favourite game.

My login password is INCORRECT so if I forget it my computer will say "your password is incorrect"

Look at the least popular comments just out of interest

I never take drinks into smelly places, out of fear that the smell will somehow get into my drink and contaminate the taste.

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

Sing along to the radio in the car then stop at a red light when you realize other people can see you more easily.

Sometimes I think of doing really bad things and smirk, only to later regret even thinking of it and start questioning myself while feeling bad about it.

Press cancel on your toaster before it finishes so that you can eat faster

If I have to get up early the following day I will surprisingly wake up early even without an alarm

Writing/ Typing "wemon" to represent more than 1 women, but then realizing that it's not actually a word...

Scratching with the wife's/girlfriends hair brush.

Pretend the legs of a chair are the barrels of a mini gun while moving them.

I don't know about anyone else but I really felt bad when the Lich killed Prismo in Adventure Time

I don't use my car air conditioning because I think it's wasteful and it might "run-out" when I'm REALLY, REALLY hot.

Wanting to change your name to Peter Jankins

When I'm at home alone, I feel like people are watching me through my windows, so I act completely civil.

Constantly looking up at a Facebook tab while on another tab to see if you have any notifications or messages.

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

Criticize a porn novel for its poor use of the English language

I love the We'll Be Right Back jingle on the Eric Andre show.

Try to stop thinking but then just start thinking I'm thinking

I used to drive home from my girlfriend's house late at night and stop on a stretch of road to take a leak. I'd walk backwards while peeing, creating a crooked line of pee in the road. I'd add to it night after night, then I'd drive by in the day to see my long pee stain in the road only I knew about. Anyone who passed by could see it, but only I knew what it was. It would last until the next rain and I'd have to start over.

pick nose in car and realize people can see you when stopped at a red light

Check the toilet paper after every wipe.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.