I used to peep when my relatives are watching porn, back when i was a kid. After that, i feel like i wanna pee.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

turn off the tv by accident and then turn it on only to find that it takes forever to work again

eat cake in a bowl with milk the way you would eat a bowl of cereal

Check the toilet paper after every wipe.

Race the microwave. Not literally, by the way.

Sometimes I lie in bed and wonder what the house would look like upside down.

Eat everything inside my burgers first then i eat the buns.

I use the internet to validate that weirdness is not actually weird at all.

Remove all the stupid gobbldegook words that the captchas from this site add to my predictive text.

Look in the fridge 10 times without eating anything

I giggle in my head when anyone says duty.

Courtesy flush.

Really really happy that resisted getting a facebook or twitter account

expecting to get on this website to find something funny but instead finding crappy posts.

Turn shower water all the way up hot before getting out because it feels good

When I piss in the toilet (naw, naw in the microwave, god) I try to pee on one side so the bubbles spin around the flush to see if it keeps spinning

Think of someone you love while trying to fall asleep.

Wishing you were living in that time when men were still gentlemen. Holds doors, brings flowers, chooses you over job.

After brushing my teeth I used to suck the water from it

Every time I see a pretty girl,the first thing I think is how I'd love to pin her down and tickle her.

Sometimes when I look in the mirror I act out a scene like Tyra banks coming up to me and asking me to be on America's next top model.

Wonder if the life your living is one long dream and your gonna wake up and be some type of alien.

If my SOLVE media is too long I refresh it to give me a shorter one

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.