imagine killing someone by accident and feeling really guilty about it.

When I am in a bind and I know I need help I just say " I gott this" and things work out

You look over the edge of a tall building/structure, and have that sudden urge to jump off.

turn the colour down on your tv and pretend what you are watching is an old movie

Press cancel on your toaster before it finishes so that you can eat faster

I always write b as d or d as b since I've learned the alphabet, and i hate my keyboarb cuz its on lower case every time.

Cough, whistle or hum while on the toilet for a time, just so anyone outside the door doesn't think I'm mastrubating.

Count the amount of birthday wishes on your facebook page, and compare it to other friends birthdays.

Thinking ambient thoughts while fondling myself into a semi hard-on.

cover myself in vaseline and roll around on the floor pretending im a slug

Feeling sorry for inanimate objects

if your behind glass or a window and you see a group outside, imagine their conversation.

While going to sleep, you turn the pillow downside-up several times to find a cooler surface.

Hearing someone say something but saying "what" because you need more time to think of an answer

Think about having sex with the dog. You wouldn't, but what if you did?

Think about the same confusing random dilemas that dont involve me every week and alwaus come to the same conclusion

Feel uncomfortable with the TV volume on an odd number

Naming every pet you've ever owned Peter Jankins

Only read the shortest sentences on "Things You Think Only You Do". More than 2 sentences I skip.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

I tend to ignore phone calls, even when I know the phone call could be important.

Look at just about ANYTHING you see in the context of a zombie apocalypse. Example: strategizing escape routes and barricade points while you're walking down the hallway in school, or looking at something ordinary, like a baseball bat, and thinking, 'I could bash some zombie brains with that'

I put a small amount of water in glasses and freeze them for hot days when I want a cool drink

Every time you use a vending machine you hope you get lucky and 2 things drop down.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.