Wipe my hands on a cold glass to clean my hands

Talking to yourself in your head so you don't seem so crazy.

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Thinking epic thoughts like "Man, had a great workout today" just in case someone is reading my mind.

Leave the fan on at night just in case you feel to warm.

Sometimes after a long, hard day or when something bad happens I just sit down and cry in the shower.

When alone and listening to music I pretend that I am the artist and dance around the room like its the music video or I am on stage.

My bedroom is at the end of the house, so when I turn the light out and sprint to the lounge room, thinking Jeff the Killer could get me...

Sniff or tap to a rhythm to some sort of beat I composed in my head...

Worry a lot about the efficiency of your path when walking.

log out of any social network sites so that when im on a website it doesnt somehow send messages to my profile

Call out the mistakes I see drivers make in front of me.

When I can't find my phone so I panic and shearch everywhere only to find out it was in my pocket.

Whenever I hear someone say a word in a way that I like, I repeat it.

Try to acomplish getting the rest of your meal reaady before the microwave timer goes off.

Opening the fridge door, then trying to accomplish pouring a drink, before the door seals itself forever leaving the cola to the mercy of the outside world.

google search random thoughts you have to see if they pop up.

Multi task while your brushing your teeth and forget you have a tooth brush in your mouth.

I asked telemarketers for their home number so I can call them at home and disturb THEM while they're relaxing with THEIR family

Always cover yourself in the bathroom mirror at home because you have this strange feeling that people at school are all watching you through your mirror~pls tell me im not the only one who ever feels this~oh well

I always have to know exactly what time it is before I go to sleep, just so I can figure out exactly how many hours of sleep I will get.

Watch 30 seconds of a commercial break only to realize it's dvr'd and I could be fast forwarding it.

my favorite singer is Bles Bridges 22/07/1947-24/03/2000

Sometimes when I fart while sitting down, I lift one leg up.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.