....you're high and you think you write complete bullshit?

Doing a little dance after having sex because your so proud you're a FATHER!!! - Uncle Jerrett

Go to fart while you have the flu, only to find out it wasn't a fart at all....

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

Everytime I have ear buds in and I hear myself breathing, I think others can hear it too so I slow my breathing or hold my breath.

Learn how to say "I love you" in a different language, just to say it to the person you like and observe their dumbfounded expressions.

Wipe my hands on a cold glass to clean my hands

You pretend to fight imaginary people while no ones looking:/ But you look like the star wars kid...

Going to the very last pages of "Things you think you only do" with the lowest ratings and realizing that they really are the only ones who do that stuff...

Do a little half laugh, then when someone looks at you, you realise that it wasn't even funny so you pretend to be clearing your throat.

Chew as quietly as possible when eating cookies but as loud as possible when eating fruit.

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

When someone starts waving and saying hi then I start waving and saying hi even though I have no idea who it is only to realize they are actually waving at someone behind me.

Leave the fan on at night just in case you feel to warm.

Sometimes after a long, hard day or when something bad happens I just sit down and cry in the shower.

Tryng to run away from, or at least be faster than my shadow.

If I'm at work and have to poop, when I get in the stall I look under the opening at the bottom for any other feet in the other stalls to make sure I am alone. I always think what if when I do that someone else does it at the same time.

When alone and listening to music I pretend that I am the artist and dance around the room like its the music video or I am on stage.

My bedroom is at the end of the house, so when I turn the light out and sprint to the lounge room, thinking Jeff the Killer could get me...

I worry because I keep wondering why I worry.

my solve media says spare is big but it was space is big

Sniff or tap to a rhythm to some sort of beat I composed in my head...

try to make myself sneeze because I like the feeling I get when I do

Feeling sorry for objects to throw away!! Haha anyone els?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.