When im out with my dad in the car i swear traffic lights always seem to go to red when were coming

humiliating little girls

expecting to get on this website to find something funny but instead finding crappy posts.

When sitting on the pot I whip and then I feel like I have to crap again.

Hold my pen or pencil with two fingers cued against my palm and two fingers sliding up the pen with my thumb in between them.

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'whores-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

Have a dream about somebody being mean to me. Proceed to be mean to them in real life.

Write a word then wonder if it's spelt with an i or and e so just put them both in but do it in such a way that the person reading it won't know whether you didn't know the spelling or misspelled it then realized your mistake and tried to fix it.

Nodding while talking on the phone then remembering the person can't see you

Hate when I can't sleep and the sun starts to come up and I hear birds chirping and i get worried and just realize that I should be happy that it's a new day and to relax.

When I watch porn, I only watch like the first 5-10 minutes of it. To be honest I wonder why people bother making them longer too.

poke fun at somebody and pray for forgiveness the following night

When I'm in the shower, I talk to myself, usually about my plans for video game procedures.

Sometimes when I'm bored I start shouting things in German.

check behind the shower curtain before taking a piss xD E E S

Trying to preform oral on yourself.... And failing.

I use my magic powers to give shaddy politicians their comeuppance (I don't have any magic powers lol)

get under the covers and curl up into a ball to get warm really fast

Sometimes I wonder if my life is a dream and oneday I'll wake up as a newborn baby

Be talking to someone about something random, then a few days later or so... something very relevant to that happens, then you think to yourself "I'm sure I can tell the future"... I'm very confident that, that is just me...

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

make it a point of interest to know every word to a song that nobody likes. (i.e. call me maybe) >.>

Sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom and staying silent until everyone leaves, so you do not feel the embarrassment

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.