When you have the " If I'm on an elevator and it breaks and is about to crash at the bottom, and I jump up before it does, will I live?" thought.

Show all your friends this website to prove your not as strange as they think you are.

I like asking my wife how her SIMIANS are doing (the sims 4) because its fun watching her try to hide the fact that it annoys her. Nero, now if you thought Moral Man the Friendly neighbourhood r*pist was bad... Well, thumb me down I dare you! Seriously I totally did not have a certain bitch turkish hacker put a tracker on my laptop si I can find out where you live... And pay some guy to break your kneecaps... I only done it twice though... Here on horsehead network :) Third time is a charm ;) NERO: Actually I paid people five times, the fourth did not do his job, so I pay a fifth to FINISH HIM! (Sometimes I think people on craigslist just like to kill for the fun of it, seriously, eighty bucks?)

I have to make a breathing hole for fresh air to come in when I am laying under a hot blanket.

Doing a little dance after having sex because your so proud you're a FATHER!!! - Uncle Jerrett

Thinking you're very popular after you have owned someone at school.

check behind the shower curtain before taking a piss xD E E S

Whenever you shave, you make sure you cut both ends of your moustache, leaving a small patch in the middle above your lips. Then you pretend to be Hitler ;)

Roll my eyes with them closed when I am annoyed with someone

putting your hand in the water in the back of the toilet and thinking its gross toilet water and get grossed out

If someone high fives me on one hand, I need to high five the other one too, or I feel uneven.

Sometimes I wonder if my life is a dream and oneday I'll wake up as a newborn baby

Be talking to someone about something random, then a few days later or so... something very relevant to that happens, then you think to yourself "I'm sure I can tell the future"... I'm very confident that, that is just me...

Feel bad about hurting someone a long time ago, when I was a child, and wish I could speak to that person and say "I'm sorry." Cringe whenever the thought of the incident rises.

A mix of Slenderman and Herobrine would be the ideal husband for me. >:)

Sitting down on the toitlet to pee (being a male). It's so comfortable when you're tired. Also: Wonder if there's a female version of this, where girls stand up to take a piss. Just curiosity.

feel like your calculator is judging/making fun of you for looking up simple equations

Sleep with pillow between legs

Delete the whole password when I mess up only the one letter.

Spend ages searching for a porno (normally about 40 minutes), search through it for the best bit, finish and think "what was the point of all that"

Go to someone's house and go and ask where something is and the person you ask just tells you without getting up (I know it doesn't go with the theme of this site but its just something annoying)

When I'm in the shower, you think of arguments that can occur, then think of good comebacks to say to your opponent. And when it actually does happen in real life, you don't have the courage to say it.

I think some songs would be better if they didn't put a rap in with them

Mayada stupid

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.