Sitting on toilet after pooping without wiping for longer than a minute because your in your phone.

When it is raining and a sad song comes on the radio, I look out the window and pretend I am in a movie. -Cocobear

Sitting down on the toitlet to pee (being a male). It's so comfortable when you're tired. Also: Wonder if there's a female version of this, where girls stand up to take a piss. Just curiosity.

Do a little half laugh, then when someone looks at you, you realise that it wasn't even funny so you pretend to be clearing your throat.

Say something smart in class, then worry your friends will rip ony uo for it half way through saying it, so end it by saying "or something like that."

make it a point of interest to know every word to a song that nobody likes. (i.e. call me maybe) >.>

My brother (who is 2 years younger) and I have our own language, consisting of movie quotes and silly stuff we made up when we were little. We speak it with abandon when we're alone, and try as hard as we can to suppress it when we're with a friend. But sometimes some of it slips out, and the friend looks at us like he's the guy who isn't in on the joke; I always get the feeling he or she thinks the two of us are crazy. By the way, if you're the third person in company with two close siblings who are speaking their own secret language, don't ask them to explain or look at them like they're crazy. They're not nuts, and you won't understand, even if they try to explain. Just let it pass.

I like to eat tomato soup and peanut butter sandwiches...its not as gross as it sounds

Sleep with pillow between legs

Delete the whole password when I mess up only the one letter.

When sitting or laying down, tell yourself to get up in your head but see how long your body can resist your commands, and end up yelling at yourself to move in your head while still sitting/laying down.

Go to someone's house and go and ask where something is and the person you ask just tells you without getting up (I know it doesn't go with the theme of this site but its just something annoying)

I like to watch people and imagine different stories that could explain why they're doing whatever it is that their doing.

not be afraid of hurricane sandy

I think some songs would be better if they didn't put a rap in with them

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

try to get abs by doing the stupidest things

close one eye or the other to move an object near by when I'm bored -Noel

Mayada stupid

shit corn, even though i havent recently eaten corn.

You think about all the stupid things you did in elementary school and avoid anyone who went to your elementary school in high school.

Feel the bed gets more comfortable the longer you put off getting into bed.

I always have to watch the credits of a movie even, though everyone else has left the theatre and there are people cleaning up the seats, which makes me think, they think i'm crazy.

Wonder what random strangers look like or noises and such they make while having sex. Everyone literally. People you interact with at work , customers, your boss, the married couple. Except for people who are like dirty looking af. Our just straight up ugly. Then your like grossed out by those thoughts your having and start getting that home sickfeeling in your stomach. Almost like butterflies but like dead ones or something. Hard to explain.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.