Look into your neighbor's house and halucinate someone watching back

Tear up when I poop

I still put my thumb in my mouth, BUT only because I like the feel of putting my eye lashes under my fingernails and my thumb inconveniantly fits in my mouth. Now I know I'm the only person in the world who does this. I'm trying to drop the habit. But it feels so GOOD!

See a sexy girl, wanna go up and talk to her....cant think of anything cool to say and afraid of denial. Just me?

Taking the time to lick all of the cream off of the inside of an Oreo.

Count the number of times someone knocks on a door on television.

I think Lois Griffin on Family Guy is hot!

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <<

If people knew what I am really thinking about while they are talking to me... YIKES!

Get annoyed when I click on the "popular" button and it's always the same things.

Wonder why every single kid is looking at you in a restaurant.

Pick your butt and then wipe your hand/fingers somewhere hoping that the smell dosn't stick to you and that no one smells it....

Think that everything you do is life is being recorded by secret cameras and you're on a reality show. But you don't actually know. The Truman Show. -Robert

listening to music and not realizing ur favorite song is on until the last word

Sitting down in the shower

i masturbate with my feet

Write a word then wonder if it's spelt with an i or and e so just put them both in but do it in such a way that the person reading it won't know whether you didn't know the spelling or misspelled it then realized your mistake and tried to fix it.


Start walking down a busy street or mall, and realise I've gone the wrong way. Suddenly stop and pretend to read something on my phone for a few seconds before turning round and walking the right way.

Thinking about a situation someone else in the world might be in. For example, Someone dying and the pain they must be going through.

Think that when you're reading something or watching tv some people somewhere are knowing what your watching or whether or not you understand what you just read so you don't wanna reread it to risk looking stupid.

Thinking you're very popular after you have owned someone at school.

When you don't have enough money for something, you just take a tiny bit of money from your siblings and parents room at a time so they don't notice any different

When I was little I used to cover myself all the way up and put pillows around me, then ask my sister if she could see me, trying to be invisible when I sleep just in case someone breaks into my house at night.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.