Be best friends with someone and tell them all your secrets and then they become best friends with someone else and you hope they won't tell your secrets

When an ice cube fall on the floor I kick it under the fridge.

I am a masculine guy but in private I listen to very sensitive songs. ie: careless wispers

When I get in the car I look in the backseat for monsters or psychopathic killers and as I am turning to check I say out loud 'Oh, maybe my book is in the backseat, let me check' so the monster or killer doesn't know I'm really looking back there for them. That way they might not kill me.

Wash my hands after i use the toilet.

I don't like to meet people when I'm well dressed because that's not me all of the time.

I pee on the bathroom sink everytime, because I am lazy to open the toilet, even when I visit other people, sorry friends and family =)

Try to acomplish getting the rest of your meal reaady before the microwave timer goes off.

Run into a wall and say "I'm sorry" and then realize that it's just a wall.

Scratching with the wife's/girlfriends hair brush.

Sometimes when I'm laughing really hard I awkwardly clap my hands.

When i'm in the front passenger seat, I still move my foot like im the one driving...

cover myself in vaseline and roll around on the floor pretending im a slug

When home alone and you hear a noise getting out a gun/weapon.

I always try to play it cool and act like it’s no big deal. But I always have a mini anxiety attack before actually stepping onto a moving escalator. It is a task trying to time my step perfectly where my foot isn’t hanging off a step and I have to hurry my second foot on there isn’t an awdward space of steps between my feet. -Ikka

I speak dialogues at home to myself that I could possibly have with people in hypothetical situations. Km

When you're out for a run, you pretend that someone is chasing after you so you run harder.

I don't use my car air conditioning because I think it's wasteful and it might "run-out" when I'm REALLY, REALLY hot.

When a teacher at school leaves a line of pen on the big whiteboard, my attention can NOT be drawn from it.

I put the volume on my television so it is on any number divisible by five (5-10-15 etc. etc.)

I hate being called "buddy".

No ones home. Go to youtube and do karaoke. Can the neighbors here me? Guess im not talking to them ever again...

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

I can only brush my teeth at exactly 7:43 AM...Am I weird?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.