Thinking about a situation someone else in the world might be in. For example, Someone dying and the pain they must be going through.

When you don't have enough money for something, you just take a tiny bit of money from your siblings and parents room at a time so they don't notice any different're high and you think you write complete bullshit?

When I was little I used to cover myself all the way up and put pillows around me, then ask my sister if she could see me, trying to be invisible when I sleep just in case someone breaks into my house at night.

When I am bored I look at things and wonder about the people who made them, and at what time they were made, etc. Like whether my Bic pen was made in the morning or the night. Savy.

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

I pee in the sink so i don't have to aim

Go to fart while you have the flu, only to find out it wasn't a fart at all....

I hate it when people assume I'm smart just because I don't speak much and I wear glasses.

I was the real Stig...

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

laugh whenever I see an infomercial where the hosts glorify their products to the point where it seems like they have found Jesus it is hilarious.

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Sometimes I wonder if my life is a dream and oneday I'll wake up as a newborn baby

Sing every word to Bohemian Rhapsody every time you hear it in the most dramatic way possible.

Intentionally utilize uncommon vocabulary to replace colloquial slang for the pure purpose of entertainment (for oneself). :D

feel like your calculator is judging/making fun of you for looking up simple equations

I lay in bed at night with my eyes closed but not asleep,and my mind will tell me that thier is someone standing by my bed,i will think and say to myself,im not looking because thats ridiculous. Then after a 30 seconds pause,have a quick peep.

make it a point of interest to know every word to a song that nobody likes. (i.e. call me maybe) >.>

Constantly hearing your name in public and asking "did you just hear my name?"

When in a room by myself and I hear someone coming to walk into the room I'm in, I feel an overwhelming urge to hide behind the door so they don't see me first.

When someone starts waving and saying hi then I start waving and saying hi even though I have no idea who it is only to realize they are actually waving at someone behind me.

When I'm home alone, I start hearing random noises and think someone is breaking in.

Feeling stupid when you're watching a funny movie and you laugh by yourself. So you look around and stop laughing.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.