I pretend I'm a really popular YouTuber and talk to nobody thinking they're my subscribers.

cussing someone out on a video game only to realize that your mic is off

Just think about this. I do. What if we are all a character from The Sims and there is someone controlling us as their character and we never really did anything by our own choice. Creepy.

When home alone and you hear a noise getting out a gun/weapon.

I never side with the majority (if given a choice.)

When you're out for a run, you pretend that someone is chasing after you so you run harder.

When I tell human garbage that I am the Fallen Angel, they laugh at me, then I make them spontaneously combust. Moral: What moral whore?

When I was a kid and I misbehaved when my dad used to smack me I would put emphasis in my cries to let him think that I got the lesson.

Peel my mandarin oranges in one try

Add numbers on license plates of cars around me while waiting at a light.

Whenever I pull a long hair from my vagina or butt, it feels good.

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

i put a empty pack of cigarettes under my pillow and hoped the cigarette fairy would come when i was asleep

Sometimes when I'm sitting still I visualize myself being able to move myself using my mind.

Think of all the perverted and disgusting things that I'd like to do to the women at work then feel bad for being a vile and disgusting person, then kind of feel turned on anyway lol.

Pretending there is a man running beside you during a long car journey and jumping over obstacles

Wonder why every single kid is looking at you in a restaurant.

Wipe a soda can after somebody else in my family drinks out of it just in case I get sick or I may feel there spit.

I feel that there is something sinister going on in government

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)

start telling someone a story and then realize that i would only be funny if they actually saw it.

Think your teacher is super hot and have a hard time concentrating in class . . . for the whole year.

Nodding while talking on the phone then remembering the person can't see you

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.