I see something glittery, someone tells me not to pick it up because I'll glitter all over myself, I pick it up anyway and glitter all over myself.

I put toilet paper in first before i poop, so the water dosent splash me.

Keep things on my body equal. ex. Hold something in my right hand so I hold something equally heavy in my left hand.

sometimes when im in the shower and i hear the slightest bump i look behind the curtains to see if anyone is about to scare me

i open the cuboard door tosee if theres anything to eat and if theres nothing there i close it and go to the fridge if theres nothing there i go back to the cuboard =)

I speak dialogues at home to myself that I could possibly have with people in hypothetical situations. Km

Toss something across the room toward the place it belongs, get excited when it lands upright/ perfectly in place, then immediately regret you weren't recording it.

I always try to play it cool and act like it’s no big deal. But I always have a mini anxiety attack before actually stepping onto a moving escalator. It is a task trying to time my step perfectly where my foot isn’t hanging off a step and I have to hurry my second foot on there isn’t an awdward space of steps between my feet. -Ikka

Taking your headphones/earbuds off a lot to see if your music is playing loudly. Or to see if other people could possibly hear it

The volume level on my TV has to be either an even number or a multiple of five.

Pulling the same faces as the character you are reading currently is.

Sometimes when I fart while sitting down, I lift one leg up.

I still put my thumb in my mouth, BUT only because I like the feel of putting my eye lashes under my fingernails and my thumb inconveniantly fits in my mouth. Now I know I'm the only person in the world who does this. I'm trying to drop the habit. But it feels so GOOD!

fart and then breathe it in really quick hoping no one else smells it first

See a sexy girl, wanna go up and talk to her....cant think of anything cool to say and afraid of denial. Just me?

Look at my poo before I flush it.

play on your game for ten minutes before you realise why you stoppedd the last time

I want to hire a private investigator to follow a private investigator who was hired to follow the first investigator.

Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

only read the short jokes on this website

You tell your friends that you hate the Rick roll'd song even though you secretly like it.

Bored. Open refrigerator. Nothing to eat. Open it again five minutes later.

Check the lint filter on the dryer every time I walk into the laundry room.

I get really annoyed by the constant audience laughter in some tv shows even when nothing funny is said

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.