Wonder if I have a twin across the world and he makes all the opposite decisions.

Create the perfect song/poem/philosophical theory/scientific discovery right before you fall asleep and forget it in the morning.

worry about other people hearing you pee when your in the bathroom.

Tip my couch over to dig for something I have lost and then end up finding a bunch of random crap.

hover over public toilets and end up leaving a sprinkling of pee that lands uniformly all over on the seat then use a big wad of TP and my foot to wipe down the seat.

I am a masculine guy but in private I listen to very sensitive songs. ie: careless wispers

I wear my boxers so I can poop through the pee hole

Fall down the stairs, bounce on your ass to the bottom, feel scared, then want to DO IT AGAIN! Get pwned at a game, rage, look at your cat sitting beside you, looking back, and say "What?"

Look at my poo before I flush it.

get a really delicious smelling soap or candle and feel sad when you remember you can't eat it.

Count the number of times someone knocks on a door on television.

Sometimes when I'm sitting still I visualize myself being able to move myself using my mind.

I'm a guy and I like to wear swimwear as underwear

have you ever thought of a relative when masturbating?

Go outside to meet a friend but he cancelled so you stay in your garage so your parents don't know you're there

When I see a pregnant woman I can't help but think "she had sex"

Am I not the one who created an imaginary BAE?

suddenly get stage fright when in a public bathroom stall and break the awkward silence by pretending you just went in there to get loo paper to blow your nose.

laugh whenever I see an infomercial where the hosts glorify their products to the point where it seems like they have found Jesus it is hilarious.

Wondering if your life is a TV show, and people are watching what you do.

Wipe the salt off your hand on your right pant leg after eating salty fries from fast food restaurants.

When i am home alone i think there are hidden cameras in my house and wave at objects that might conceal the camers to scare the people looking through them

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.