I go to the fridge, see that there is nothing I want to eat in it, and then go back to it a minute later hoping that something I like has materialized

Sometimes if I am by myself at the house or in the car I will act completely insane and absurd. This usually involves me screaming incoherent babble, whole body twitching, making absurd faces and doing this thing where I bite my tongue and shake my head violently. If any normal person saw me they would either think I am having a seizure or currently possessed by Satan.

jump down the stairs when im almost down to save time

Play my music so low in public that I can hardly hear it in my headphones for fear of others being able to hear what I'm listening to.

Smile like an idiot while reading this site.

really wonder why there is so much talk about pooping and farting on this site

Go to bed at 9 am and then regret whole day is wasted

when you are at home doing something then all of a sudden you imagine how you would take down a killer if he came into your home right now. just me?

I kill Solid Snake and masturbate when the Game over screen keeps screaming for my own "snake" "Snake answer me! Snake SNAAAKE!" Me: Answer coming right up and out any moment now! fapfapfap

Stepping on a LEGO block and instantly screaming and leap onto the bed.

Sometimes I wonder why I smell even though I remember putting DO on. I become embarrassed because there is a girl next to me. I hope she cannot smell it. Finally I realize its not me. It's her.

I find that whenever I go somewhere it always seems to take longer than when I come back home

Wish that illegal Mexicans would stop driving drunk and uninsured and killing innocent legal people or injuring them for life and leaving them in medical debt.

When I listen to certain songs,it makes me feel awsome :D I listen to alot of LinkinPark -Briarwoodninja

I **** with no hands.

I love myself, my wife, the threesomes, and I STILL spend time with you! Moral: Which must mean YOURE WINNER! AND STUFF! Either that or you are a sad fuck, cant argue...

Legally changing your name to Peter Jankins just cuz

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

Feeling stupid when you're watching a funny movie and you laugh by yourself. So you look around and stop laughing.

Sometimes when I go to a drive in restaurant, and get an order of fries, I empty the bag out, and there are a few fries in the bottom of the bag. I Enjoy those the most, as I feel they were free

When in shower, I turn the heat to max for a few minutes to warm up the whole bathroom.

Burp, and then automatically say burp afterwards.

When the good guy in a movie is in a bad situation, I imagine myself doing something different that seems more legit.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.