Feeling stupid when you're watching a funny movie and you laugh by yourself. So you look around and stop laughing.

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Right after moving to a new place I check my room for hidden cameras.

Think that some minutes feel shorter than others

not be afraid of hurricane sandy

I find it easiest to read or study while sitting on the toilet.

worry about other people hearing you pee when your in the bathroom.

I pee on the bathroom sink everytime, because I am lazy to open the toilet, even when I visit other people, sorry friends and family =)

always get sports injuries, never get any attention from them

I DO wish I had the ability of the guy in the comment below me. Moral: Yeah I have to type moral down here, because its awesome and because whatever its awesome!

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

when you're in the car, look outside and count every single lamp-post until the car stops

Go to the kitchen to eat, forget what I'm doing, go back to whatever I was doing, and realizing that I'm hungry.

When I tell human garbage that I am the Fallen Angel, they laugh at me, then I make them spontaneously combust. Moral: What moral whore?

sometimes when im in the shower and i hear the slightest bump i look behind the curtains to see if anyone is about to scare me

Wish that Mexicans would go to their OWN country and stop living tax free in OURS.

Fall down the stairs, bounce on your ass to the bottom, feel scared, then want to DO IT AGAIN! Get pwned at a game, rage, look at your cat sitting beside you, looking back, and say "What?"

I randomly hold my boobs in my room.

fall asleep in the shower.

I hate being called "buddy".

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

Look in the fridge 10 times without eating anything

Sometimes when I'm sitting still I visualize myself being able to move myself using my mind.

recycle the peanuts in my poop to make organic peanut butter

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.