Sometimes at a red light, I like to look at the person driving next to me and if they look towards me I quickly turn around and pretend I wasn't looking at them.

fart and then breathe it in really quick hoping no one else smells it first

Look at my poo before I flush it.

get a really delicious smelling soap or candle and feel sad when you remember you can't eat it.

I always feel chinese accents are unintelligent.

jump down the stairs when im almost down to save time

Play my music so low in public that I can hardly hear it in my headphones for fear of others being able to hear what I'm listening to.

Sometimes when I'm sitting still I visualize myself being able to move myself using my mind.

Smile like an idiot while reading this site.

I used to think that if the earth was completely smoothed flat and you had a really powerful telescope if you looked through it you would see yourself looking through the telescope.

Watched the woman in black then go to bed then suddenly a woman in black comes in my room oh wait it is just my mum saying good night

when you are at home doing something then all of a sudden you imagine how you would take down a killer if he came into your home right now. just me?

When I get the chance, I always nick a chip from my mum's or dad's dinner.

Stepping on a LEGO block and instantly screaming and leap onto the bed.

I have autofocus in my eyes.

Am I not the one who created an imaginary BAE?

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

When you like your own comment or status', but then you feel kind of pathetic for doing it so you unlike it.

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Sometimes when I go to a drive in restaurant, and get an order of fries, I empty the bag out, and there are a few fries in the bottom of the bag. I Enjoy those the most, as I feel they were free

Turn off light in bed... notice something you haven't seen before. IT'S SLENDERMAN You turn the light back on and realized it was a lamp

My login password is INCORRECT so if I forget it my computer will say "your password is incorrect"

I DO wish I had the ability of the guy in the comment below me. Moral: Yeah I have to type moral down here, because its awesome and because whatever its awesome!

Try stick to something but fail in the end

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.