I find it easiest to read or study while sitting on the toilet.

Can't stop tears from comeing to your eyes when singing

hover over public toilets and end up leaving a sprinkling of pee that lands uniformly all over on the seat then use a big wad of TP and my foot to wipe down the seat.

I'm a guy and I like to wear swimwear as underwear

Imagining how it would feel to switch bodies with your crush

Keep things on my body equal. ex. Hold something in my right hand so I hold something equally heavy in my left hand.

I used to eat bath bubbles

taking your t shirt or sweatshirt off quickly so nothing gets you while its over your face

I never side with the majority (if given a choice.)

Embarassingly repeatedly use of the word "bro" when irritated or excited.

Sometimes when I fart while sitting down, I lift one leg up.

Whenever someone enters a pin number I always try to see how many number I can remember

Nero the clit collector. What+ you never collected stamps, coins or something? YOUR CRIMES! WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES FOR FUCKlNG CRIMES SAKE ETC.

When i think about something hilarious that happened previously and laugh about it days later at the most innappropriate time.

play on your game for ten minutes before you realise why you stoppedd the last time

Sometimes when I kill a bug, i wrap it up in a giant wad of paper towels, put it in a plastic sandwich bag, THEN throw it away. just in case...

doesn't eat meal until desired tv show starts.

At night, everytime when i walk past that curtain lampost, it goes off.

only read the short jokes on this website

Smile like an idiot while reading this site.

I try really hard to come up with a funny joke on antijokes.com, then I give up and come to this website instead.

I prefer to go to the bathroom with the door open.

I feel that there is something sinister going on in government

getting excited when you find a recycled tissue in your robe/sweatshirt so you don't know have to get up to get one yourself?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.