Watched the woman in black then go to bed then suddenly a woman in black comes in my room oh wait it is just my mum saying good night

Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

rub your face on your legs after shaving to feel how smooth they are.

Play poly-rhythmic drum beats along with my turn signal on my car.

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

When your watching a YouTube video and you have to watch an AD, you mute it and turn your head away because your just that pissed off at the company.

Constantly hearing your name in public and asking "did you just hear my name?"

I speak dialogues at home to myself that I could possibly have with people in hypothetical situations. Km

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

Put a few bits of toilet paper in the toilet before having a poo so there is no splash!

When you need something from someone and you forget what it's called,So then you have to awkwardly explain it.

Sometimes when I'm excitedly hurrying out of the house, I skip for a brief moment.

I enjoy my company, I love myself, which is contagious, people around me enjoy my company, and love themselves. Moral: Thumb me down and prove you are a sad fuck TODAY!

If i read or see something good (on tv )the next time i daydream i am always some how involved in it

Use the 0.3141592653589793238462643383279502884 second rule

I cover the mirror on my bedroom door with a sheet at night, because I think the shadows casted in the mirror are gonna get me.

Burglars have become very clever. Just last night my wife turned to me and said that she hears burglars downstairs so I got up quietly checked every room suddenly I realised that I don't have a wife.

Whenever I'm holding two round objects, I try to juggle them.

I think something is gonna get me at night when I walk out of my brothers roomso I look behind me and run and usually bump into a wall

only drink milk from a freshly opened carton

I have autofocus in my eyes.

When you like your own comment or status', but then you feel kind of pathetic for doing it so you unlike it.

Find a really good joke on the internet and pretend you came up with it to make your friends think you're funny

Think something you shouldn't about someone, stop thinking about it in case they read your mind, and then, as an added precaution, think "I know you listening".

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.