filling your mouth with water in the shower and spitting it at the wall.

I have minions that do what I want because pleasing me makes them happy. Moral: I control, the way you move, how do you like my grove zerg dude?

When you're walking along at night and you see the moon, then you move around quickly,still looking at it as if you're controlling it.

Wondering if your life is a TV show, and people are watching what you do.

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

check to see if post has any likes right after posting it. then have second thoughts about it.

When i was a kid. I really dont care about the story of any animated film. As long as im watching it.

I sometimes watch entire movies with the sound off and a good album playing.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

When no one is home, I poop with the door open, just because I can.

When in shower, I turn the heat to max for a few minutes to warm up the whole bathroom.

When your to lazy try to use the force to pick things up

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

When you think about your life then think your parents had to have sex to make you. Then start thinking about all the gross old teachers you've had that probably had sex. Then when you get older your parents tell you about all the times they had sex when you were in the house.

Thinking, "What is wrong with this generation"

When at Burger King, McDonalds etc. I always finish the drink before the food so that I still have the taste of the food in my mouth when I'm finished.

When I'm in a public place with a lot of people, I sometimes imagine myself being an epic hero saving everyone there from a monster or some sort of bad guy.

Thinking ambient thoughts while fondling myself into a semi hard-on.

Covering the movement sensors with toilet paper on public toilets incase it's a secret camera.

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

sometimes when im in the shower and i hear the slightest bump i look behind the curtains to see if anyone is about to scare me

When I am making toast I spread the butter or jam with a spoon

Always cover yourself in the bathroom mirror at home because you have this strange feeling that people at school are all watching you through your mirror~pls tell me im not the only one who ever feels this~oh well

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.