Eat everything inside my burgers first then i eat the buns.

when you wave at a car thinking its someone you know and it ends up being some old lady.

I like to think I'm a Lion or cat.

I prefer to go to the bathroom with the door open.

HEY! YOU! Yeah you! I can speak you only, NO! Nobody else here! Yeah you only you, by the way you are a dirty piece of s**t you mothe* F**ker! YEAH ITS YOU! I HATE YOU! EVERYBODY HATES YOU YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *end of special message just for you*

When I need to poop in a public toilet, I poop to the side so there's no plop.

im going to kill that person and get away with it

skipping back to the start of the guitar solo over and over so I can pretend I'm playing it

While in the shower, after ive used soap and stuff i turn the water to cold and i pretend im on fear factor and close my eyes so i cannot see what i am trying to get while crawling through freezing cold water

When no one is home, I poop with the door open, just because I can.

Have troubles sleeping when it's hot.

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

I find it easiest to read or study while sitting on the toilet.

Poking my self under the covers just to not falleth asleepeth (t -_-)zzzzzz

Trace the letters on the front of your textbooks with your finger.

Twice on two different internet super power sites, I posted sdrawkcab epyt ot REWEP eth"... ...Sadly I forgot to type MORAL under them, so they have... several thumbs ups... NERO: In a world of bithes and h0m0f*gs that never understood that my "MORALS" where pure SARCASM!... Oh, I also think I am one of the three hundred guys that gangbang your mother.

when sleeping over at someone's house, make a cringing, weird looking face while opening the fridge in the middle of the night like somehow the look on your face will change the volume of the seal breaking open

I combine every item on my plate in all the possible ways, then i eat the worst part of the meal and save the best part til last.

I wonder if elections are rigged?

I lift my butt when I'm farting

Zoning out while looking at something and then trying to find the spot you were looking at when you're out of the zone but you can't find it.

if your listening to music, move the volume up and down to experience the bass a lil better

Not vote up my own posts? I bet I'm among the few..

Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.