Toss something across the room toward the place it belongs, get excited when it lands upright/ perfectly in place, then immediately regret you weren't recording it.

When two people in my house are arguing, I stay in my room to avoid awkwardly interrupting them and being dragged into it.

When you need something from someone and you forget what it's called,So then you have to awkwardly explain it.

Watch 30 seconds of a commercial break only to realize it's dvr'd and I could be fast forwarding it.

Surfing nsfw subreddit at work

play on your game for ten minutes before you realise why you stoppedd the last time

Look at my poo before I flush it.

I just saw the D in Disney for the first time ever. My brain always saw a backwards G. I knew it was supposed to be a D, I just never bothered to fix it. There has been a G there my whole life.

I get really annoyed by the constant audience laughter in some tv shows even when nothing funny is said

Bored. Open refrigerator. Nothing to eat. Open it again five minutes later.

I have shown up for a first date in a friends POS car instead of my own to see if she is too materialistic

Sometimes I wonder why I smell even though I remember putting DO on. I become embarrassed because there is a girl next to me. I hope she cannot smell it. Finally I realize its not me. It's her.

Putting pressure on my closed eyes and seeing fireworks behind my eyelids

I sometime's wonder if other people can see and feel everything I can but are just in my body too judge me.

Sometimes I get annoyed when I realize none of my friends ever eat vegetables or drink anything but sugary soda`s and are somehow as healthy, sometimes even healthier than me.

When alone and listening to music I pretend that I am the artist and dance around the room like its the music video or I am on stage.

Leave the fan on at night just in case you feel to warm.

try to make myself sneeze because I like the feeling I get when I do

try to only take one step on each sidewalk square.

pull out a flies wings and let it go

close one eye or the other to move an object near by when I'm bored -Noel

Listening to a song, thinking about having the life of the singer in the band

I can understand (insert language) but for the life of me I can't speak it.

if your behind glass or a window and you see a group outside, imagine their conversation.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.