When well dressed, someone ask me what I do for a living, I say nothing and watch the confused look come over their face.

Sing along to the radio in the car then stop at a red light when you realize other people can see you more easily.

I always go to sleep with every single one of my stuffed animals in my arms at the same time because I think that they get lonely and sad if I pick certain ones. Then again I sometimes wonder if they secretly hate me and think I'm a weird creep for hugging all of them every night. I'm 24.

When realizing i'm being a little bitchy, I laugh and smile right after my sentence to make myself seem a little nicer.

Taking your headphones/earbuds off a lot to see if your music is playing loudly. Or to see if other people could possibly hear it

Pretend my life is a videogame.

Sitting on a table at school and looking at the things u only think i do website

I cover the mirror on my bedroom door with a sheet at night, because I think the shadows casted in the mirror are gonna get me.

Get to lazy to stand up in the shower so I sit down in the shower

I brush my teeth in the shower and use the shower for a waterpik.

I'll imagine that I'm having a conversation with a celebrity, and either giving them advice or telling them why I hate them and calling them out on bullshit.

When im home alone, i watch porn with the volume turned up really loud.

Wish you could delete a post if it gets thumbs down

Make jokes about yourself on the period: "dear god, this is the 5th day I`m bleeding and I`m sill not dead. What kind of monster am I?" ...not funny... :)

When I see someones comment has alot of dislikes , I add on to it .

Putting pressure on my closed eyes and seeing fireworks behind my eyelids

Having that feeling of entering the wrong classroom or bus, even though you know it is the right one.

Wish that Mexicans would go to their OWN country and stop living tax free in OURS.

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

I'm a man. When I'm watching a movie with my wife and it has a sad ending. I allways have to cry but moments before the actual end has come I allready start to snif my nose so that she thinks I have a cold and do not have to cry about the ending of the movie.

after seeing toy story, and watching that toys moved and talked to each other when the humans werent around, thinking that toys are really like that when you gone, and when you go back to you room, the toys rush back into their spots.

I think something is gonna get me at night when I walk out of my brothers roomso I look behind me and run and usually bump into a wall

I am 23 and I know how to spell "STORK"

I have shown up for a first date in a friends POS car instead of my own to see if she is too materialistic

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.