When calling someone you hang up after 3 or 4 rings because you're tired of waiting rather than it being time to leave a message.

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

Wish you could delete a post if it gets thumbs down

imagine a bunch of girls are watching you at home, so you don't look like a dumbass

trying not to laugh when reading things that you do in "Things You Only Think You Do" in fear your parents will mistake your laughter as you fapping.

All of my friends go to halloween parties. I still go trick or treating.

When passed by a very attractive girl in the street, turn around and look after her and/or follow her to the next street corner, in order to grasp more of her beauty.

when listening to pandora just skip through the songs and hit the like or hate buttons and not listen to the music,but then when you want to listen to the music you can't because theres no wifi

When posting these, I'm rarely able to read the words/letters in the box that prove you're human and not some computer virus. Now I'm starting to think I'm not a human......

right after I turn the shower off I jump up and down to get rid of the extra water all over me...

when you're in the car, look outside and count every single lamp-post until the car stops

I worry because I keep wondering why I worry.

When playing a game you refer to the kid you don't know as "kid" - ar2

When you start wondering if you're in a dream and suddenly feel trapped

Have a big twitch, freak out when you are dosing off in class but suddenly wake up.

Cough, whistle or hum while on the toilet for a time, just so anyone outside the door doesn't think I'm mastrubating.

When I look at a clear blue sky, I'm convinced that I see little tiny floaty things, and think that I'm seeing air molecules.

pee when you are dreaming haha lol

wipe all the water off my body (predrying myself) before i get out of the shower, and dry myself with the towel

sometimes I can be really tired but when I go to bed I lie there for hours awake

acting as if you can shoot with a banana

I wonder if elections are rigged?

I always have to remake my bed right before going to sleep in it

Instead of reading the sunday comics, I read the nutrition facts on the cereal box.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.