listen to madonnas new album

When I'm sitting on the toilet, I try to make piss and crap come out at the same time.

Point your finger to the sky when your favorite song comes on in the club or the radio

Smile like an idiot while reading this site.

I try really hard to come up with a funny joke on, then I give up and come to this website instead.

Panic when your car alarm goes off while you are going to get in because you suddenly look like a criminal.

I can't piss with my shoes on.

filling your mouth with water in the shower and spitting it at the wall.

When you like your own comment or status', but then you feel kind of pathetic for doing it so you unlike it.

Wondering if your life is a TV show, and people are watching what you do.

check to see if post has any likes right after posting it. then have second thoughts about it.

Read something strange and funny that you don't actually do, then say: "whaat?" And lough and everyone around you just look at you not knowing why you're talking to yourself an laughing.

I worry because I keep wondering why I worry.

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

Thinking, "What is wrong with this generation"

I can't step on the cracks of sidewalks.

try to only take one step on each sidewalk square.

Spend ages searching for a porno (normally about 40 minutes), search through it for the best bit, finish and think "what was the point of all that"

When you start wondering if you're in a dream and suddenly feel trapped

Cough, whistle or hum while on the toilet for a time, just so anyone outside the door doesn't think I'm mastrubating.

if your behind glass or a window and you see a group outside, imagine their conversation.

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

Covering the movement sensors with toilet paper on public toilets incase it's a secret camera.

I pretend to get future messages. Like when I'm about to have a bad subject. I get a message from future me telling present me like 'Oh god. Yeah, brace yourself for science today.'

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.