If I'm in my room and I need to fart, I walk into someone else's room and fart in there so that my room doesn't stink up.

Wrap up inside a sleeping bag and slide down the steps.

Pour cereal. Realize there is no milk. You really want cereal so you try it with water. Realize that was a bad idea.

When in a public bathroom, flush the toilet right before your shit falls into the water, so no one will hear.

when I need to do a number 2 in a public toilet I put toilet paper in there first so my neighbours cant hear it.

Before I go to bed I have to put one of my hands between my knees in order to warm up and get comfy.

When In the car, use th bug guts to ramp up all of the culverts and when you don't have a landing for a while, pretend that you got a speed bonus and are soaring with some amazing air.-dillon

Make funny fish faces and noises in the mirror just because... Oh yeah, and fish totally make noise, right?

Suppress a sneeze and then walk around unsatisfied.

When eating food leave back the food u like the most for last

think your hitting your leg on a chair or desk, really someones foot

Waking up from a really bad dream that you thought was real and then thinking about it all day worried that it actually happened

Eat goldfish and cheez-its salt side down.

Typing what you want to put in a message, then deleting it because you daren't send it

singing along to a song that you think you know the words to.. but you dont

While I am busy working I like to have music playing and while I type I type to the song and its beat

If I'm doing something that involves two ppl i race even if the other person doesn't know it and if i win i get a huge ass grin which is awkward sometimes

On the bus think in your mind "I know you're reading my mind right now," and look for reactions.

Get exstremly sad or depressed whenever you think about something you did that was embarrassing or something you regret infront of someone when that person probably doesn't even remember it....

scripting the blackboard with your fingernails? no problem, but just the imagination of biting on an ice cream stick out of wood and then moving it through your teeth makes me go crazy!

Sometimes I wonder if every thing is real or just fantasy and I get really scared,creeped,depressed,and Anxious

Use more toilet paper than you need, just because you feel like it cleans your ass more.

Poking your eye to see the black circle at the corner of your eye

When you accidentally mess up a password, delete the entire thing and redo it since you don't know which part you messed up.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.