losing something in the house, looking for it and then for some reason if I can't find it, I look in all the same places again

incognito mode on google chrome

I put morals on posts to get a thumbs up. Moral: Posts with morals get thumbs up.

Clicking the thumbs up or down when two of the submissions have the same number of thumbs up and think i'm the chosen one.

When I'm stressed, I pick at the skin on my head and pull white flakes out of my hair. There's nothing more satisfying to me than that.

Put on different accents, ad talk to my self in the mirror.

while taking a bath, I imagine my knees, belly, arms etc poking out of the water are islands, and i imagine little people running around on them

Forgets something then walks into the room to get it then forgets what you forgot nikki

When walking down a long hallway with someone else at the end, becoming self conscious that your eyes are watering up

feel disappointed when i find out that a p0rn scene is just the actor's dream or imagination.

Get turned on lookin at my own butt

Looking around in disgust at your messy room and then doing nothing about it.

When you can't be bothered to go to the toilet so you stay watching tv or going on your laptop while trying to hold it in.

tell everyone that you think that mcdonalds is unhealthy and that you think there food is nasty but in reality you actually love it.

Pretending I'm in a phone call when I don't want someone to talk to me.

close left eye, then right eye to see how things move....

misread flashlight

I'm in a hurry I press the elevator button several times

Take a dump in the dark... Anyone but me?

I am a BIG TIME movie talker. I always ask questions that people obviously don’t know the answer to like, “Where is he going?” “I thought they were friends?” “Wait.. Is she mad?” “Is that guy the killer?” Although people seem to tolerate me, I do promise that it is completely on accident. I don’t even realize I do it. –Ikka.

you forget your phone when going to the bathroom, so you search for a shampoo bottle or anything to read or play with in reach.

Never using a 0 or a 5 as the last digit while using a microwave.

Sometimes I become paranoid that the ceiling is going to randomly come crashing down and kill me.

Think about blinking, and then realize that when you think about blinking, you can't stop thinking about blinking, and thus a 3-4 minute awkward blinking-fest begins.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.