Think I'm going to fall down when I step onto an esculator that's not moving.

Aim at shit stains whilst I pee.

Tried to stuff yourself in the fridge

even though you know you turned the light off, you have to go check before you can get to sleep

When home alone, you feel the need to turn on every light/appliance so you won't hear the serial killer who you are sure hides in your basement

When its nighttime, you walk around the house with one of your small animals in your arms, like it can protect you from anything

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I sleep in the nude.

put my headphones in but don't listen to any music so people don't bother me.

When taking trash up to the street, I always runback as fast as I can, counting down from 5, pretending there's a sniper about to shoot me.

Whenever I leave a phone message, I feel like I'm leaving the last message I will every leave to my family in my life because I will somehow die soon. I've watched too much drama.

masturbate... with condoms and gloves because male genitalia is gross and clean up takes just a few seconds rather than minutes

after doing the dishes i get my hands wet after putting my jumper on cause i failed 2 dry my hands propley my arms a f***** cold dammit!!

when something on the internet is loading really long i close all the other tabs so my computer can concentrate only on one thing and then i get annoyed because i have to open up all the tabs again

When I'm bored I throw a plastic bag in the air and see how long I can keep it from touching the ground.

When I go up the stairs, I always have to end on my right foot. If I have to, I will even hop on one foot on the last stair in order to land on it.

When walking along, I try to race someone walking towards me. For example, a letter box is ahead of me and there is someone walking towards me. I will try and reach the letter box before the other person without looking awkward.. then feel like God if I manage to do it.

Reading the terms of service :O....

trying to look cool when you're driving past other cars.

Going to a friends house for the weekend, coming home and checking the fridge/pantry for new foods.

Get sharp pains in your chest whenever you're watching or reading a sex scene.

Get longingly desperate feeling for days/weeks after a concert of my favorite band.

When taking a shower, and standing in the opposite direction where the water is coming fromY

I wonder to myself if other people see exactly the same things as me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.