Tried to stuff yourself in the fridge

Think that the shirts and bras that the girl you like should have never ben invented for that one specific person


When taking trash up to the street, I always runback as fast as I can, counting down from 5, pretending there's a sniper about to shoot me.

When its nighttime, you walk around the house with one of your small animals in your arms, like it can protect you from anything

every bite i have of a sandwich, i need to have a sip of a flavored drink to "soften the bread and make it taste good".

trying to look cool when you're driving past other cars.

Going to a friends house for the weekend, coming home and checking the fridge/pantry for new foods.

when the teacher is asking the class something and i have no idea I'm looking at the paper in front of me, pretending to still making notes and thinking to myself 'don't take me, don't take me...'

When eating chips/cereal (out of the box)/any small snacks I put an even amount in my mouth and divide them evenly on each side of my mouth and chew them like that.

when on a bus, pretend to fail to see your acquaintances to get some rest and avoid boring conversations.

put my headphones in but don't listen to any music so people don't bother me.

Having a dream where I am in a sex Ed class and instead of looking at slides experiencing everything firsthand

At home stay on the toilet a few minutes after you finish your business

When taking a shower, and standing in the opposite direction where the water is coming fromY

Hate to type Morals under each one of my posts Moral: A small chick in the hand is better than a huge C**K up your ass. I am pretty sure not even women nor homosexuals want birds up there...Then again, I havent searched for anything like that at the intern... they are eating her! And now they are gonna eat me! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! (fly stuck on head)

Having leg bounce up and down for no reason at all.

I sleep in the nude.

when something on the internet is loading really long i close all the other tabs so my computer can concentrate only on one thing and then i get annoyed because i have to open up all the tabs again

Think I'm going to fall down when I step onto an esculator that's not moving.

even though you know you turned the light off, you have to go check before you can get to sleep

Throw mini celabration of clock says 11:11, 9:11 or anything ending in :00

Aim at shit stains whilst I pee.

Whenever I leave a phone message, I feel like I'm leaving the last message I will every leave to my family in my life because I will somehow die soon. I've watched too much drama.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.