Put on different accents, ad talk to my self in the mirror.

I stare at people to see if they have a innie or outtie belly button

misread flashlight

If a donkey and a angle fish where to pro create what would be the out come? They can't mate a donkeys a mammal and a angle fish is a fish

When walking in a pub or a mall or any place which has music playing, I walk along with the beats thinking that I will look super cool doing that!

invent arguments in my head with people to hone my debate skills for future arguments.

I'm in my twenties and still don't drive.

while taking a bath, I imagine my knees, belly, arms etc poking out of the water are islands, and i imagine little people running around on them

when i'm in the shower and i close my eyes, i thnk something's gonna be there to scare me when i open my eyes again.

always picture someone naked even though sometime you really don't want to.

Sometimes when I touch something I have to touch all of the object and with both hands, otherwise I feel incomplete.

When I turn the volume up or Down it has to be a number with 0 or 5 in

Start browsing a list of pics at the back, so I can see the order they were posted.

im going to rape that girl

Clicking the thumbs up or down when two of the submissions have the same number of thumbs up and think i'm the chosen one.

close left eye, then right eye to see how things move....

When in a room with a bunch of people, see the one person who's extremely cute and then get a random boner and think "GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY"

I piss excellence, shit suppority and whip myself with greatness.

feel legitimately bad for Wile E Coyote whenever he does not get the road runner

When you can't be bothered to go to the toilet so you stay watching tv or going on your laptop while trying to hold it in.

Any time I break something, I always try to put it back so it looks completely normal. That way, the next person who picks it up will have it break right in their hands… Thus becoming their fault... -Ikka

If you see someone singing in a car, then search on the radio stations to find the matching song to the the miming you see.

when on a bus, pretend to fail to see your acquaintances to get some rest and avoid boring conversations.

i use my thumb when using a DS instead of using the stylus

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.