When at a friend's or another person's house, I pee while standing up. But at home, I always sit down when i pee.

When I'm home alone, I pretend I'm famous, and pretend I'm doing a television or magazine interview, and answer out loud to questions I ask in my head

Any time I shop for used clothes, I always have to ask, “Did anybody die in this?” –Ikka

Playing TV in bed because if I don't I jump at every noise in the house and don't sleep.

Doing something bad, then being ashamed because you think your dead family members watch you doing it saying tsk tsk

Eat something that will make crumbs over the sink because you are too lazy to get a plate

I lock the bathroom door even when I'm home alone.

Sometimes when my mom is aking me something and then i tell her the truth i start smirking automatically as if i'd be lying because i don't know how to make a serious face

I pee in the shower.

when you can't think of anything to type you just type random letters. a;lsdfj;ldfkjsfasdfljf

when u start laughing then start clapping and look like a seal

pinch your nostrils in between your finger and thumb and rub them back and forth in order to smell the inside of your nose.

sometimes when I listen to a song while riding in the car I look out the window and pretend I'm in some angsty music video

When i'm eating small, colored foods like skittles or gummies, i have to have one on each side of my mouth so one side doesn't feel happier than the other and they have to be different colors.

when u see a blond, brown,black,or red head girl u think of a blond,brown,black or red head joke -Randi L.

When I am driving, I hate everyone else who is driving.

Have a dream about falling and never stop falling and it feels real

Whenever I look in the bathroom mirror, I fear that I will see a terrible bloody monster standing behind me. I convince myself of this so completely that I panic and rush out right after I pee.

Has to cover up with a blanket, regardless of the temperature...

do a fake cough when my shit is falling in the toilet

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Handing something to a friend or someone and all you can think is "...I've fapped with that hand. And they know I have" even though you clean up after you feel like your jizz is gonna be on what you gave them and theyll find out amd think you're disgusting.


I really enjoy self-pity.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.