Had a dream within a dream, just like Inception. You woke up and it felt so real you were sure of it. Then a bit later you wake up again.

Lick my cell phone screen to clean it.

On the train, try and mathematically make (add,subtract,multiply,divide etc.) the carriage number to get to ten

Sometimes when im lost in thought I twirl a piece of my bangs and stare off in a daze.

Take a side of bacon and jack off watching Babe.

Reherse jokes/phrases to say to friends in school tomorrow

take 30 pictures and only find 1 where you dont look like shit

When taking a pee instead of standing in front of the toilet stand in the side so if someone walks in they wont see your penis

When I'm watching a youtube video, I worry about how much time is left because I'm concerned the video maker won't wrap it up in time before the video ends.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

When I am bored, I imagine saving my crush' s life and we live happily ever after. :( what an idiot I am


Sometimes I stay as still as I can and stare at myself in the mirror until it scares me and I freak out about who I am and why I'm living. I have to think of my family and memories to snap out of it.

you wonder if things look the same through other peoples eyes

Fart when i'm alone RIGHT before someone walks in... try to talk over the smell...

"Hey, did you see that new episode last night?" "Yeah!" "Do you remember that part when he ran through the city?" "Yeah!" LIES

See someone thats so hot all you can think about is seeing them naked all day.

A bee flies into your classroom and you're too terrified to focus on anything else.

When approaching a stoplight, I evaluate the vehicles in front of me to determine which ones I think will take off faster so I can get behind them.

When listening to awesome music I perform a subtle headbanging motion.. Then I look around to see if anybody is staring at me like I'm retarded.

Tape your dick to your leg to fit into tight pants

When I forget to brush my teeth, scrape off the plaque on my teeth with my fingernail.

I keep tearing the little piece of skin next to my thumb nail until it hurts - and even if it bleeds I have to get it off.

Ever dreamt of being naked and then waking up in horror.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.