I always cry when I pray.

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Okay so probably like everyone else, when Schapelle Corby was found with drugs on her in bali I thought she was innocent but now since she was let out of the prison I am wondering if she did do it?

Touching your nipples at night wondering if anyone else wanted to touch them all day :)

Sometimes, after I say "bye" to a person on facebook, I wait a few seconds before I log off so that it seems like I said "bye" to other people too. Because I'm just that popular.

get so shitfaced you wake up in a closet with piss everywhere

When you think you don't hear someone, but as soon as you say, "what?" and they start repeating it, you realize that you know what they had said. But then you don't want to be rude, so you let them finish.

Scratch my ass/armpit and HAVE to smell it.

Wanting something so much. Getting it then wondering what to do next

Smelling your armpits to see if you smell and then disguising at as yawn/stretch

Sometime i'll see someone or something like a person or a car and visualize a big meteorite smashing then out of nowhere.

Not laughing at funny things on T.V. because nobody is around.

After you wipe your butt and crotch with a towel, you dont want the towel to touch your face. Next night, dry your face and head first.

I like eating chicken clubs with my hands and dip them in ketchup while pretending I am a caveman

when bored, i imagine my EXACT plan for the zombie apocalypse, down to what would look cool if i was walking down a desolate street ( i am legend style) :D

Spinning around to get dizzy, then spinning the other way to try and undo it.

Sometimes when it's very windy, i Loudly yell "Stop". The Wind most often seem to lower it's intensity or completely blow off.

when your walking past a chain link fence you slide your fingers along it because it feels cool

When ever a door is about to close I always try to put my hand between the door and stop it, but it gets to small and I get scared.

Apply hand sanitizer after fapping.

When drunk, I often grab something, lift it into the air, and yell "I GOT THE POWER!" just in case it turns me into He-Man.

I make a conversation with myself when looking at mirrors !

Read for hours... then hear a narrative for everything you do after you stop reading. for ex: "Jen gets out of the car, shutting it with a loud bang. She walks towards the house, noticing the dead squirrel in the road."

Takes playful flirting way to seriouse.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.